FMP. #2-7 (reps/sets)
Deadlift (belted)- 182.5kg x5, 165kg 5x4
Block Pulls - 140kg 6x3
RDL - 110kg 8x5
Wide Grip Pull-Ups - bw 8x5
Rear Flys - 25lbs 8x5
Cable Mid Rows - 55kg 8x3
Cable Hi Rows - 40kg 8x3
In light of last weeks scare, I've gone to the Belt. Good top set, might have had one more with reasonable form.
My back is important. If a belt helps, I'll wear one.
Quality work, BD.
FMP #2-8 (reps/sets)
Squat - 235lbs 7x4
Bench - 167.5lbs 6x5
Deadlift - 345lbs 5x3
LTE/Curls - 75lbs 12x3
And that's a wrap for this week.
FMP #2-9 (reps/sets)
Hi Bar Squat - 125kg x7, 112.5kg 7x4
Safety Bar Squat - 92.5kg 6x3
Belt Squat - 85kg 12x3
Cable Mid Row - 57.5kg 8x5
Wide Grip Pull Downs - 57.5kg 8x5
Rev Flys - 30lbs 8x5
Good Squat day with a rep PR.
FMP #2-10 (reps/sets)
Bench - 85kg x5, 76.5kg 6x5
Wide Grip Bench - 72.5kg 5x4
Close Grip Bench - 68kg 5x4
Dumbbell Bench - 50lbs 8x5
Flys - 40lbs 8x3
Dumbbell Press - 35lbs 8x3
Dips - bw 9x3
Green Band Pull Downs - 15x3
Missed the top set of 6. Couldn't stay tight, feet slipped, all sorts of technical fvck ups. Color me dissappointed, I felt better than what I put up.
Everything else was fine, though fatigue caught up with me towards the end.
More impressive volume, BD. Out of curiosity, when you do a dumbbell bench, do you use the method Rip describes in this video:Rip - Proper dumbbell racking - YouTube
I've been thinking of trying some heavy dumbbell benching but haven't taken the plunge yet.