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Thread: Travis's Log

  1. #1091
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Seattle, WA


    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025

    a1. deadlift: 376x1, 420x1, 441x1, 484x0 (all hook-grip)
    b1. deadlift 376x5, 397x5, 441x5, 441x5, 441x5 (straps)
    c1. paused floor press: 221x4, 243x4, 266x4, 287x4, 287x4, 266x4, 266x4


    a1. ssbp: 275x7, 295x7, 315x7, 335x5, 315x2, 275x2
    b1. 303 tempo halting dl: 225x5, 275x7, 275x7, 275x7, 275x7 (belt-less)
    c1. supine hollow-rocks: 20x
    d1. ab-wheel (knees to ground): 3x5

    think i was starting to feel a tad run-down this week. after a 484 fail street gave me the right encouragement to work up to 441 3x5, which was a big pr for sets across iirc. overall deadlift just felt shitty and technically un-sound, which often happens as i grind through a heavy block and fatigue accumulates. plus i was simply over-thinking too much.

    paused floor press was good, was starting to fatigue out on final sets so dropped weight. still not bad considering the movement.

    sling-shot bench started out great, but crashed and burned in a hurry. i think i was a bit overaggressive in moving up to 335. after that i was done.

    tempo halting deadlift was very challenging. i had real-time text/video help from jordan to help with cues and fixes. it got better as i went along.

  2. #1092
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Seattle, WA



    a1. duffalo lbbs: 326x4, 346x4, 376x4, 386x4, 406x4
    b1. flat-back rack pull, 2" below knee: 316x4, 406x4, 406x4, 406x4, 406x4 (straps, belt-less)

  3. #1093
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Seattle, WA



    a1. tgbp: 246x4, 266x4, 276x4, 286x4, 296x4, 296x3, 276x4
    b1. seated db ohp: 40x7, 50x7, 50x7, 55x7, 60x7, 65x7, 65x7, 65x7, 65x7 (each dumbbell)


    haven't trained since finishing out last week on Monday. worked the fire pits at the academy on Tuesday/Wednesday (8/10hrs), which left me absolutely wrecked all of yesterday.

    woke up at 0400 to train at 0500 today before work. was scheduled to do db step ups on a 20" box today as well; pretty uncomfortable doing this en lieu of broken toe, so may do some rdl's instead later in the week.

    bench press felt ok, a little rusty since not pressing for 5 days. weight felt heavy but bar moved fast up though first set @296. was pretty taxed afterwards and chalked it up to residual training and fire fatigue.

    due to schedule, I'm planning on training four days straight to finish out week. I work at the academy again for another 10 hour day on Tuesday, so i'll just have to get it done.

  4. #1094
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Seattle, WA



    a1. Paused floor press: 250x4, 270x4, 280x4, 280x4, 280x4 (PR - sets across)
    b1. Duffalo LBBS: 346x4, 376x4, 406x4
    c1. OHP: 135x7, 155x7, 155x7, 155x7, 155x6 (weight/rep PR - sets across)
    d1. Cambered bar row: 135x7, 155x7, 155x7, 155x7, 155x7
    Last edited by Travis Rask; 03-26-2016 at 11:54 PM.

  5. #1095
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Seattle, WA


    training (past few days)


    a1. sling-shot bench: 275x7, 300x7, 300x7, 300x7, 300x7

    notes: bench still feeling run down, fatigue came on fast final few sets. adjusted sling-shot to closer/around elbows per mark bell's advice in video.


    a1. comp. bench: 243x5, 266x5, 287x5

    notes: bench fatigue continues. 266 flew up fast, eyes on working to PR, 287 ended up being a 10. called session on fatigue.


    a1. paused HBBS: 150x4, 160x4, 170x4, 180x4 (kg)

    notes: woke up at 0400 to train at cascade crossfit before working the burn rooms at the state academy. same story, fatigue came on fast and ran out of time (gym opened at 0600, had to be at academy by 0730. did work on some butt wink issues, jordan said "real nahce" after watching vids.

    overall notes

    last training week had some nice PRs or PR repeats, but overall felt pretty run down. working the burn rooms at the academy a lot, which really throws a wrench in my schedule, recovery wise. i've been able to mitigate this somewhat by making some "improvements" via getting up very early to train.

    i chose to scuttle my comp squat and deadlift session for last week; the week was scheduled to end on monday, and after a nasty bench session and looking forward to the final week of developmental (this week), i figured it was probably too much to pack in and considering my low back has been cranky this past week (presumably from all the burn room/pallet throws on the pits, etc.) I just gave it a rest.

    overall, its been a good, albeit mixed past six weeks of developmental block.

  6. #1096
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Seattle, WA



    a1. paused bench: 246x4, 266x4, 286x4, 286x4, 286x3
    b1. rdl: 225x7, 275x7, 275x7, 275x7, 275x7
    c1. amap pull-downs 10min: 100xlots

  7. #1097
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Seattle, WA



    a1. tgbp: 245x4, 275x4, 290x4, 290x4, 290x4
    b1. amap chins 10min: lots
    c1. treadmill liss 30min


    feeling a bit better today. 290x4 was a sets across PR for 4's.
    Last edited by Travis Rask; 03-31-2016 at 10:38 AM.

  8. #1098
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Seattle, WA


    training (friday)

    a1. cg paused floor press: 221x7, 243x7, 266x7, 266x7, 243x7, 243x6
    b1. hbbs: 397x4, 420x4, 420x4, 420x4, 420x4
    c1. bradford press: 95x8, 95x8, 95x8, 95x8

    a1. modified sumo dl: 440x1, 475x1 500x0
    b1. paused conv. dl (2" below knee): 376x3, 376x3, 376x3


    split session yesterday. worked the day prior, and was running calls until 0500 and slept a grand total of two hours. caught a quick 30min nap between sessions at home.

    floor press was good, fatigued out and dropped weight.

    squat was a PR for sets across.

    did some bradford press to flush some pain/inflammation in my shoulders.

    decided to fuck around with modified sumo at night; hanley sent me some measurement metrics for my body dimensions to test whether sumo is better for me. per him, i'm the "biggest outlier he's seen in person for which sumo would be a benefit". i need to get some tape and do the measures, but came in and gave it a shot.

    475 went up quickly - i admittedly didn't warm up too much and was probably tired. 500 didn't clear the floor. if i continue to do these i think i'll get back in the hang and find the right stance width, etc.

    after that i tried some work sets with sumo but was too tired, so i switched to some paused dl triples to finish out the night.


    hbbs 420x4

    sumo dl 475x1

  9. #1099
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Seattle, WA


    training (sunday)

    a1. tgbp: 265x4, 286x4, 286x4, 286x4, 286x4, 286x4
    b1. hbbs: 365x4, 385x4, 405x1*
    c1. conv. deadlift: 315x4, 365x4, 405x4, 405x4, 405x4
    d1. dead-stop ohp: 135x7, 135x7, 135x7, 135x7


    last training day of block before de-load/low-stress week.

    pretty sure 286 for 5x4 was a PR for me.

    ended hbbs early; right hamstring started to strain once i hit 405. after first rep i felt the burn/slight pop that happens periodically and called it. it was a supplemental squat session and i was pleased with 420 4x4 two days prior.

    same story with deadlift - did some quick work and called it good. reps moved up pretty fast though.

    paused ohp was pretty good - i was pretty smoked by this point. my press is feeling real strong lately - really been focusing on tightening up my form and feel a good run coming on here.

    training (monday)

    a1. (barbell only) hbbs: 3x20
    b1. treadmill liss: 20min (ended early due to call at fd)


    right hamstring pretty tight today. not as bad as previously but still strained. will continue will blank bar work throughout the week to flush the inflammation.

    de-loading rest of week.

  10. #1100
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Seattle, WA


    starting strength coach development program
    training (low-stress week)

    a1. tgbp: 246x4, 276x4, 296x4, 296x4
    b1. rdl: 135x7, 185x7, 225x7
    c1. ohp: 135x7, 155x7, 165x7, 165x6
    d1. cambered bar rows: 135x5, 135x5, 135x5, 135x5

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