a1. long-pause hbbs - no belt: 315x1, 365x1, 405x1, 315x5
b1. deadlift - no belt: 315x1, 405x1, 455x1, 505x1
on duty, a little run down today so I just did some easy singles.
a1. cgbp: 226x5, 256x5, 276x5
b1. paused hbbs - no belt: 330x3, 375x3, 397x3, 420x3
b1. deficit RDL: 220x5, 245x5
still fucking around, but having fun. i haven't been eating or hydrating effectively as of late and today was no exception. still ended up being a fun session.
bench was fine, maybe could have nabbed 286x5 but didn't push it.
hbbs was very good; focused more on depth and paused hold. work-up sets were very good here. i spent some time stretching out the calves (which i never do) and it seemed to make a difference. got a little panicky on top set at 420 pause-wise, but nbd.
rdl's were fine.
a1. long-pause hbbs - no belt: 315x1, 365x1, 405x1, 315x5
b1. deadlift - no belt: 315x1, 405x1, 455x1, 505x1
on duty, a little run down today so I just did some easy singles.
a1. hbbs - no belt: 320x3, 372x3, 395x3, 415x3
b1. tgbp: 230x5, 250x5, 280x5
3rd day of 72hr shift. slept pretty good last night. weights for squat are approx (bad plates). felt good. will try to get upstairs for some bb rows later.
a1. paused bench: 226x4, 246x4, 276x4
b1. hbbs (belt): 316x3, 366x3, 406x3, 456x2
c1. deadlift (no belt): 316x3, 406x3, 456x3, 476x3, 496x1
first session in almost 10 days i think.
everything felt pretty ok. i probably could have gotten a 3rd on squat @455, but my feels trumped me. i was pleased with a triple at 476 on deadlift. i've hardly deadlifted for a month or two.
been tightening up other lifestyle factors. back on macros, in bed earlier (10-11), less wildin' out.
gonna play around for another week or two to establish macro baseline before checking back in with jordan and coming up with a circle the wagons gameplan. i'm really not sure what i want to do long-term at this point.
bodyweight was 217 this AM.
training (on duty)
a1. paused hbbs (no belt): 245x3, 335x3, 385x3
b1. RDL (2" deficit, no belt): 185x5, 225x5, 275x5
c1. bent row: 225x5, 225x5, 275x5
felt pretty shitty this am, dehydrated. not sure how true the weights are at this station; used 100lb plates for squats, knowing the shit-ride equipment the department buys, they probably weigh 110lbs.
training (Saturday am)
a1. close grip floor press: 185x3, 225x3, 245x3, 275x3
coming off duty, about 2hrs sleep.
training (sunday - on duty)
a1. hbbs (no belt): 315x3, 365x3, 405x3
b1. paused dl (no belt): 315x3, 405x3, 440x3
detailed to station with a ground-floor weight room. vera nahce.
squats felt a touch heavy, has been the case all this week after 455x2.
deadlifts felt splendid. I think I could have hit 475x3 paused, but I'm on duty and didn't want to push it. I think 440 may be a paused pr off the floor?
training (on duty)
a1. paused hbbs (no belt): 315x3, 365x, 405x3
b1. paused bench: 225x3, 245x3, 275x3, 285x3
low back felt sleepy from deadlifts the other day.
bench felt pretty good.
will try to do some rdl and/or some more bench stuff this evening.
emailed Jordan the other day - gonna try 3 day/week schedule. squat/dead 3x/week, bench we'll see. i was getting tired of 4x/week.
a1. tgpb: 225x3, 245x3, 275x3
b1. hbbs [no belt]: 315x2, 405x2, 445x2
c1. deadlift [no belt]: 225x3, 315x2, 405x2, 425x2, 495x2
d1. ohp: 95x3, 115x3, 135x2, 155x2, 175x2
ok. felt a little rusty since i haven't trained since tuesday.
Last edited by Travis Rask; 08-08-2016 at 09:29 AM.