Monday 9/20/2021
Weigh-In: 291.2 pounds
Bench 235x5, 212.5x5x4
Press 107.5x5x3
Pulldowns 220x5x5
Top set bench got hung up a little bit. Pulldowns also got pretty hard, but still maintaining the short 90 second set rests. Learned today I'm up for a full time position at my new job, which will entail a "fitness test" to land. Grip strength test, flexibility test, pushups, and measuring heart rate after doing some step-ups. The first two I am very confident I can pass. Not so sure about the last two. I'm progressing pretty slowly anyway with my weight not really going up. I am probably going to change up my program significantly along with cutting my bodyweight down starting next week. So the big milestone to hit at the end of this week is going to be a 405x5 deadlift.