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Thread: Somebody in my gym doing proper low bar squats

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Amazing. Momentum? Anybody else have a sighting?
    Here in the southwest corner of the doomed State of Connecticut I recently saw a kid (25 yo? 30?) at my gym do a series of LBS warm ups and then 3 sets of 5, with what I think was pretty good form. Seemed like maybe he was using the app or at the very least had read the first book. I'll ask him if I see him again.

  2. #12
    Ray Gillenwater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Overbar View Post
    Reporting from Jackson, MS, where I train in a large globo gym, and last week I couldn't help but notice the girl in the squat rack next to me was squatting, then pressing, then deadlifting. I asked what program she's following and she pulled up the SS app on her phone. First one I've encountered in the wild. So there are at least two of us here. Normally I'm asked what program I'm following and when I say Starting Strength I get a blank stare and a shrug.
    The Starting Strength app is #110 (of 100k+ apps) in the Health and Fitness category in the AppStore. 4.8 stars with ~1000 ratings. Really damn impressive.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Amazing. Momentum? Anybody else have a sighting?
    Guy in a rippetoe sweatshirt. Two guys who lowbar well. I think I’m the squat nazi in my gym - even tho I squat wrong (hbbs), my squats are deep - I’ve noticed a lot of the others are now squatting deep enough, lbbs and hbbs.

  4. #14
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    Haven't seen a LBS buuuuut I did see a 16-17 yr old kid doing a strict press with good form at a YMCA. That made me smile a bit.

  5. #15
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    I have seen quite a few younger guys working the program, novice LP to more intermediate stuff at my YMCA.
    Most of the kids have the book, some of them I have bought a copy for. If they are serious about their training in my judgement, and are interested in learning the movements, I have no problem buying SS 3rd Ed. for the college kids.

    One high schooler I saw outside of the gym while I was walking the dog. He was walking back from the store and proudly showed me what he had in the bag: a cold half gallon of whole milk. That made an old man smile.

  6. #16
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    I've met exactly one guy at my gym that knows all about SS, performs the lifts according to the models, and last I spoke to him was following one of Andy Baker's programs. Only one other guy I can think of with a passable LBBS in the 350+ range. One of the trainers is also somewhat aware of it, but mostly in passing. I think he's been pretty impressed though. We first chatted when he watched me squat my first 315x5 a few months ago, and lately he's always busting my chops about 405, now that he sees it creeping closer. A lot more progress than I've seen any of his clients make in that time

    Ray tells me Toronto is a booming SS market. Where's everybody hiding???

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dillon Spencer View Post
    Ray tells me Toronto is a booming SS market. Where's everybody hiding???
    They might be "hiding" in their garage, DTP just fine on their own.

    But TBQH, I don't think internet hits should be used as the primary way to make big-time business market decisions.
    I know, I'm probably old fashioned and out of touch.

  8. #18
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    It's not that you're old fashioned. It's that you are willing to assume that you know more than you actually do.

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    I was training at a Royal Air Force gym in the midlands yesterday and three guys on one of the squat racks were low bar squatting, wearing Adipowers and belts. They were squatting to below parallel with the bar low on the back for sets of 5, just like I was on the adjacent rack. There was a brief nodding of heads and a tipping of hats.

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Plenty of strong low bar squats to be found at the real training gyms around me. None to be found at the 24 hours, lifetimes, and community rec centers. This isn't really surprising.

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