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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #14351
    Join Date
    Jan 2019

  2. #14352
    Join Date
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    St. Joseph, MO


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    This piece from Tyler O'Neil at PJ accidentally underlines the basic problem with all this C19/vaccine hysteria:

    Fauci Undermines His Credibility Even Further – PJ Media

    This is the problem:

    This fucking moron has convinced 90% of the population that polio, smallpox, and COVID-19 are equivalent diseases. This gigantic lie has driven the largest power grab in the planet's history.
    The parallels to polio exist. The IFR for polio is much lower than most people think (somewhere around o.o5% if I recall correctly off the top of my head). People were terrified of it...partly due to the campaign by the March of Dimes. People lined their kids for vaccines that were tested far less than the ones for COVID-19.

    Smallpox?...not so much.

  3. #14353
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Grantham View Post
    The parallels to polio exist. The IFR for polio is much lower than most people think (somewhere around o.o5% if I recall correctly off the top of my head). People were terrified of it...partly due to the campaign by the March of Dimes. People lined their kids for vaccines that were tested far less than the ones for COVID-19.

    Smallpox?...not so much.
    How old are you, son? Have you not known anyone afflicted with polio? You think death was the major concern with polio? You haven't seen the wheelchairs and the braces? How are you this fucking dense? Is your expertise so narrow that the actual living of life is an abstraction to you? Do you not realize that the mothers who lined up their kids for these vaccines were worried about their children spending the rest of their lives in wheelchairs or on crutches? Are you merely a robot, a thermostat? This may be the most detached-from-reality post of the past 3 months, certainly rivaling the work of Haghstull and that most recent stupid kid. My god, man, I am embarrassed for you.

  4. #14354
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    How old are you, son? Have you not known anyone afflicted with polio? You think death was the major concern with polio? You haven't seen the wheelchairs and the braces? .
    I knew a fair few. Also, we were terrified of living in an iron lung.

    The following is horrific. Read at your own risk.

    The man in the iron lung | Polio | The Guardian

  5. #14355
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    How old are you, son? Have you not known anyone afflicted with polio? You think death was the major concern with polio? You haven't seen the wheelchairs and the braces? How are you this fucking dense? Is your expertise so narrow that the actual living of life is an abstraction to you? Do you not realize that the mothers who lined up their kids for these vaccines were worried about their children spending the rest of their lives in wheelchairs or on crutches? Are you merely a robot, a thermostat? This may be the most detached-from-reality post of the past 3 months, certainly rivaling the work of Haghstull and that most recent stupid kid. My god, man, I am embarrassed for you.
    I didn't realize that I needed to explain that I understood those things.

  6. #14356
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Grantham View Post
    I didn't realize that I needed to explain that I understood those things.
    You post indicated that you didn't. There are apparently many things you don't realize.

  7. #14357
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    You post indicated that you didn't. There are apparently many things you don't realize.
    I'm sure that's true. First and foremost seems to be how to effectively communicate on an internet forum.

  8. #14358
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    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    How old are you, son? Have you not known anyone afflicted with polio? You think death was the major concern with polio? You haven't seen the wheelchairs and the braces? How are you this fucking dense? Is your expertise so narrow that the actual living of life is an abstraction to you? Do you not realize that the mothers who lined up their kids for these vaccines were worried about their children spending the rest of their lives in wheelchairs or on crutches? Are you merely a robot, a thermostat? This may be the most detached-from-reality post of the past 3 months, certainly rivaling the work of Haghstull and that most recent stupid kid. My god, man, I am embarrassed for you.
    Most folk born in 1940' 50's and early 60's such as you and I are familiar with the effects of polio, it was in epidemic portions here in Aus back in the 1950's and I member well lining up in the playground of the school back then for my polio Sabine vaccine that was in a teaspoon. Some kids from the 50's ended up in braces or crutches. Perhaps MG may be too young to have seen polio in the flesh.

    Polio and its Late Effects – Polio NSW

  9. #14359
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soule View Post
    I then thought of my mother and how she worked her ass off to give her only kid a good childhood, rather than collect a welfare check, or child support from a deadbeat dad who she ditched while she was pregnant. I went down a whole rabbit hole of thought on how fucking tough she is and everything she’s sacrificed for me. She has fought tooth and nail and sacrificed every dream that she had to raise a child by herself, without letting anyone tell her how to do it, including the liberal moron teachers who complained about the kid “not following the rules” in grade school. She suffered, both physically and mentally, drank through it and carried on every goddamn day, because that’s what a person does when they love their child. This is the only miracle I believe in.

    ...because this primordial struggle of life is both horrifying and beautiful.
    Thanks for posting this.

    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    But I'm a terrible Christian, so take all of that with a grain of salt.
    As a Mormon Emeritus, I have generally found in life, "The more pious, the longer the knife."

    I enjoy reading your posts. Thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Grantham View Post
    The parallels to polio exist. The IFR for polio is much lower than most people think (somewhere around o.o5% if I recall correctly off the top of my head). People were terrified of it...partly due to the campaign by the March of Dimes. People lined their kids for vaccines that were tested far less than the ones for COVID-19.

    Smallpox?...not so much.
    As you can see from my post count, I don't post often. Even so, I am a long time reader (as Rip can attest to). Your above post did, however, made me want to say something.

    My virology professor, Dr. North, at BYU was on Sabin's team when they discovered the polio vaccine. I will never forget him describing the frantic work schedule they maintained--for years--searching for a vaccine for Polio. He was extremely proud of their success in alleviating the suffering of millions. Interestingly...we spent many hours together in his office discussing using viruses as vectors with vaccinations--a topic that seems rather interesting in light of what is going on today.

    For someone to compare Covid to Polio's devastating effects is (I'll be kind) ludicrous. For a doctor to compare Covid to Polio is (I'll be kind) utterly inexcusable and calls your judgement into question on every one of your posts.


  10. #14360
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    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Grantham View Post
    The parallels to polio exist. The IFR for polio is much lower than most people think (somewhere around o.o5% if I recall correctly off the top of my head).
    The Covid IFR is also much lower than people think, so this is a pretty good parallel.

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