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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #13351
    Join Date
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    Jordan Schachtel (@JordanSchachtel) is going through a cache of FOIA-obtained emails from or to Herr Doktor:


    Doesn’t look good...

  2. #13352
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Lakeland, FL


    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    Check out this performative subservience from Lindsey Graham. The sign his daddy got him to hold up borders on parody. How can any American watch this and not be alarmed?
    He's got to be one of the best Israeli senators we have!

    Quote Originally Posted by gilead View Post
    I can't find the quote right now but Klaus Schwab once said the nationalism is one of the greatest threats for the great reset.
    It's also the best way to get all that diversity I keep hearing so much about. As it is now we're headed to a world of beige commies.

    I'd go one further and say the US, China, and Russia would be better off as smaller nations too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    It's truer now than I said back then: it's only worth risking very little to "save" this country, since the leaders of our opposition movement are turncoats who will turn their back$ on you the first chance they get to earn media prai$e or some ca$h from the establishment.

    Seriously, what political capital are Graham or McConnell or the others risking to stand up for the rotting "rioters"?
    They're NeoCon, which are just Republican Progressives. Near everything they do is just theater that serves to keep the American people from learning to make genuine distinctions.

    So we get stick with this:


  3. #13353
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    Fox News Channel 114 audio is available on SiriusXM. I used to come home and listen to the audio of Tucker's show. It has been removed from the website.

  4. #13354
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    U.S. says ransomware attack on meatpacker JBS likely from Russia | Reuters

    So the WEF gets all big on cyber attacks. Notable cyberattacks begin happen to areas of the economy the WEF would like to do away with: fossil fuels and beef. And hey, what's another great way to get countries to submit to intrusive new government policy? A war, or at least a cold war. So here we are with both instances being blamed on mean ol' Russia. Because I'm sure Putin gives a fuck about Americans being able to eat burgers. It's not like there are ways to make cyber attacks appear to come from anywhere you want, right? Right?

  5. #13355
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    Unless it was our own DHS. I'm not saying it was, but think about that shit.

    But as far as I am concerned, the most important thing going on right now is the continued illegal detention of the Jan. 6 protesters -- the ones who were ushered in to the Capital building by the cops (we all saw the videos) and who are still being held in the DC dungeons in solitary confinement without court dates and in some cases without charges. "Ransacked the Capital", "Beat Sicknick to death with a fire extinguisher", all lies and none of them refuted by any Republican elected official.

    Capitol Breach Cases | USAO-DC | Department of Justice

    Jan 6 protesters/trespassers/rioters held in solitary, no bail, some without charges

    DC Correctional Officers Brutally Beat Jan. 6 US Capitol Protester, Zip-Tie His Hands, Fracture His Skull, Blind Him in One Eye

    Capitol Riot Arrests: Updated List of Who Has Been Charged so Far

    We are watching the Sturmabteilungification of US Government law enforcement.

    The Sturmabteilung (SA; (German: Sturmabteilung), literally "Storm Detachment", was the Nazi Party's original paramilitary wing.

  6. #13356
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    Farage has cleaned up his act, he has become a much better speaker in the last two years. I don't see his prediction as especially prescient, the party with the president usually loses the midterm elections in the US. Couple that with the Democratic Party's lackluster result in the 2020 election, this pretty much gives them one year to push an inflated budget and give even more money to their rich buddies. The Hagstuls will eat it all up and start worrying about the return of the Orange Man soon enough. They will make sure to point out how everything is Rip's fault.
    I'm not gonna go into the Covid passport paranoia thing, this is just fear porn for you right wing guys.

  7. #13357
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    You guys remember the "Every Other Civilized Country In The World Has a blahblahblah" thing from some time ago?


  8. #13358
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    You guys remember the "Every Other Civilized Country In The World Has a blahblahblah" thing from some time ago?

    Of course. I also remember saying that if you want to know the right thing to do, watch what Europe does and do the opposite.

  9. #13359
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    Not this time.

  10. #13360
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    Quote Originally Posted by George Christiansen View Post
    He's got to be one of the best Israeli senators we have!
    Totally unrelated: Here Are The Billionaires Spending Big To Keep Lindsey Graham In The Senate

    Senator Graham and Co are just doing the right thing for his constituents. How Cruz fits in trips to Israel (on Memorial Day, no less) between all that posturing towards Twitter and Facebook (while doing nothing else about it) simply amazes me.

    These guys are heroes!

    Israel to Request Additional $1 Billion From U.S. Taxpayers For 'Emergency Military Aid'

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