Maybe start over at the beginning.
Tell me what, with regard to trade, resources and energy, should make me care about the situation between Russia and Ukraine. May as well take a stab at China and Taiwan, too.
Tell me what foreign policy, including pushes by which administrations to admit Ukraine into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, has done up until this point, and in what specific ways you would like to correct it. Be very specific, and I expect them to be supported, thoroughly, by current geopolitics and global economics.
Tell me what the average compliance has been for defense spending for all members of NATO since its inception.
Finally, cite your sources with your analysis of their veracity and accuracy for how you came to these conclusions.
I'm still listening.
Sorry Chuck, you're beginning to sound like Nancy Pelosi, but not stuttering and slurring as much.
Oh, forgot to mention; while on vacation, they're eating filet mignon and lobster, drinking stupid expensive bottles of wine and whiskey, and laughing their asses off at us plebes while planning the next crisis.
To anyone who thinks there's anything remotely black or white about this situation, consider that the Ukraine has been funding literal neo-nazis to exterminate ethnic Russians in the disputed eastern Ukraine, and the main funding is coming from a Jewish billionaire.
Ukraine: Batallion Backed by Jewish Billionaire Sent to Fight Pro-Russian Militias | Jewish & Israel News
Also keep in mind that Euromaidan was another one of Soros' "color revolutions."
For whatever reason, the open society/no borders/cultural marxist folls really want a Western-controlled Ukrainian government. Per Putin's own words, he is trying to prevent Western degeneracy from influencing Russia.
If it's between Putin and Soros, I know who I'd prefer to align with.
That said, this is a ridiculously complicated situation and it's ok to not have a firm opinion on it at the moment.
Why have the Clintons, Pelosis, Schiffs, et al. spent six years almost as hysterical about Putin as they were about Trump?
But I suppose this is Q-like thinking, so let's not think about it.
I think if there's one thing that all great hollywood documentaries have taught me, including Red Dawn (the original), Rocky 4 and The Bourne Supremacy, any dude with Vlad's accent is always the bad guy. That is just common sense.
On topic, The Brownstown Institute pumps out quite a few decent articles on COVID-related matters. This one on Journalism.
"These are fourth-year communications students. They have been taught to question their feelings when viewing media, to recognize that everything is framed with a purpose: what you feel after viewing a news report is what you’re meant to feel. They know about the race to set the narrative, and that our own need to be comfortable in our worldview typically supersedes reason and objectivity. "
"What has happened to this student generation? Is the pillar of the fourth estate still that influential even in the age of the Internet and alternative media? Has the pandemic so numbed these hippies’ grandkids that they will not question the hegemony and The Man in the designer socks? Are these students just afraid to go out on the limb of independent thought?"
Back to me insane and delusional, but if I could swap my totalitarian leaders for him, well, I'd have to seriously think about it. I wonder if those calling him a madman have ever heard him speak. I've heard my leaders speak a lot and they're all stupid dickheads with a tenuous grasp on reality.
Taken from the EU's statement on economic measures against Russia:
Press corner | European Commission
"Finally, we will step up our coordination against disinformation and other forms of hybrid warfare."
Once they get you as emotional as possible, you'll accept the censorship, and being guilty until proven innocent, because, gosh, this is war! This is just the next logical step on from Covid-19, and edging us closer still towards a true CBDC.
None of us have enough information to know what the true politics are
That said Putin has along history of being a very very evil man. The political establishment in Ukraine may be evil as well, we have no way of knowing the truth.
But Ukraine isn’t invading Russia and if Russians are being treated badly in Ukraine they can immigrate to Russia.
I don’t believe anything coming from any government media or mainstream media.
I’m not jumping to any conclusions based on internet articles and commentators