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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #24831
    Join Date
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    La Jolla California


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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Why are we so powerless, feckless or unwilling to overturn this fake government? What will it take? Is our spirit that extinguished? Will we have to wait until there is nothing left to lose?

    What do the scholars of antiquity have to say on this subject? Smarter people than me may know.

  2. #24832
    Join Date
    May 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Nuclear Fusion is Here!!!! Nuclear fusion passes major milestone: net energy generation

    My ass. How often do they run this story? And look at the way the propaganda is woven into the text:

    How much more energy? And what was the source of the energy used to power the laser? Was it "clean"? How much did this experiment contribute to climate change?

    Billions of dollars into research will look pale in comparison to the cost to construct an actual power plant, let alone the many power plants that will be required to fully replace all CO2 producing fuel sources.

    Where is this money going to come from? There are only so many sanctimonious billionaires interested in investing in a business model based solely on making everyone not feel bad about leaving their Christmas lights on overnight.

    There will be design problems and costs, engineers and constructors learning how to build these things to practical scale. Those costs will be underestimated and more money will be needed. There will be startup problems, there will be black swan events that cause catastrophic damage and require lots of downtime and money to get the thing running again. There will be long periods of shut down to fix unforeseen problems that limit energy production during normal operation. There will be maintenance costs and un-thought-of operating costs. And there will be the outrageous salaries required to pull people with the technical know-how and interest in this technology away from the conventional power industry that already pays them exceptionally well.

    The intelligent and capable investors (i.e., large power corporations) will not jump on this technology until
    1) their existing assets degrade in operability to the point that they even need to consider adding capacity
    2) the future demand and revenue for power generation increases above a point where debottlenecking or otherwise retrofitting existing capacities will meet that demand
    3) the cost to build, operate, and maintain one of these things is comparable or superior to other power generation technologies
    4) the technology is proven and reliable and technical experts are available for operating and maintaining the plant reliably

    This will not be done in the "the near future" as described in the article. If you think the effort required to show that something works is the greatest milestone, then you simply do not understand the magnitude of the level of effort it takes to keep it working correctly.

    And I am so sick of the term "Scientists".

  3. #24833
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  4. #24834
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Schexnayder View Post
    The intelligent and capable investors (i.e., large power corporations) will not jump on this technology until
    1) their existing assets degrade in operability to the point that they even need to consider adding capacity
    2) the future demand and revenue for power generation increases above a point where debottlenecking or otherwise retrofitting existing capacities will meet that demand
    3) the cost to build, operate, and maintain one of these things is comparable or superior to other power generation technologies
    4) the technology is proven and reliable and technical experts are available for operating and maintaining the plant reliably

    This will not be done in the "the near future" as described in the article. If you think the effort required to show that something works is the greatest milestone, then you simply do not understand the magnitude of the level of effort it takes to keep it working correctly.
    Or you can use the California Model: Legislate what you want, and the laws of physics cannot be permitted to interfere. Require that by 2035 all power produced in the State of California must be produced by nuclear fusion. Problem solved, the children's way.

    This is pretty solid. Read it.

    What can we conclude then from our EXPLORATORY analysis:

    Clearly the surge in Covid-19 and its effect on excess deaths shows the vaccines are not effective. This looks self-evident and this isn’t news.

    There is no evidence to support long-covid as a cause of excess deaths.

    There is weak evidence of the negative effect of lockdown measures (see the video).

    Healthcare quality looks to be irrelevant, but we are not satisfied we have good metrics for this.

    There is a clear signal that the vaccination programme is causing, at least, some of the excess death rate. With this data the vaccines don’t look to be safe.

  5. #24835
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  6. #24836
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    I think Dr John Campbell has finally come to some very dark realizations. You can skip to the end to see the emotions in his eyes.

    Dr John Campbell: Vaccine dangers, UK Parliament debate

    Why did many of us here...without medical or scientific training...figure this out so easily and so long ago?

  7. #24837
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  8. #24838
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    Mar 2018


    JP describes the situation much better:

    The Nuclear Energy Luggage Thief! - YouTube

  9. #24839
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    I wonder if they would ever do a study looking at car accidents as a result of heart related complications.

    It is typical of Canada to help promote such a study though. I am sure this so-called "study" will be used to create and promote government and institutional policy. Surely, this idea was concocted in-house prior to the authors commencement of said study.

    And when will studies pertaining to all-cause mortality, pregnancy outcomes & neonatal mortality be done?


    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsuma View Post
    I think Dr John Campbell has finally come to some very dark realizations. You can skip to the end to see the emotions in his eyes.

    Dr John Campbell: Vaccine dangers, UK Parliament debate

    Why did many of us here...without medical or scientific training...figure this out so easily and so long ago?
    MPs debating Vaccine safety vs MPs debating MPs pay rise.

    Fauci was warned as early as March 2020 on the dangers of remdesivir but ignored it.

    “In my hospital... they wanted me to use Remdesivir — it increases your risk of kidney failure 20 fold & increases your risk of dying by about 4%... The federal gov't will give hospitals a 20% bonus if you prescribe this toxic medication.”

  10. #24840
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by FatButWeak View Post
    Why are we so powerless, feckless or unwilling to overturn this fake government? What will it take? Is our spirit that extinguished? Will we have to wait until there is nothing left to lose?

    What do the scholars of antiquity have to say on this subject? Smarter people than me may know.
    My hot take is, why take on governments when travel and emigration is so much easier? Today's American tax serf$ have a whole host of nations more favorable to non-minority, non-communist people, and both the physical travelling process and emigration procedures are much easier than they were for our forefathers, who had to spill their blood to replenish the tree of liberty. Yes, the cultural and historical roots of your homeland may be painful to abandon, but it is utopian to think these roots are still settled in America: they were really "abandoned" beginning 3-4 decades ago when no one pushed back enough as the slow-boil "Changes" were being fought for, won, and initiated. I still surmise that the sh*tty schools analogy is best: you may want to fight to fix your crappy local schools, but at some point you will not sacrifice your child's future by continuing to send him to those schools as you valiantly fight to repair them. Life is quite short and your progeny must live beyond you, so you move to a new school district or place your child in a private school, even as the government continues to extract money from you for those shitty schools.

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