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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #19951
    Join Date
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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by rkjohns1 View Post
    This video has not, and will not age well.

    CRP seems very comfortable with the motives of the Russians and their invasion of Ukraine, but very out of touch with the Ukrainian people who do not want to be "captured" and placed under the control of a puppet regime. I'm pretty sure every Ukrainian who received a weapon understands that they are now a combatant, and more than willing to wear that badge in defense of their country.
    It’s a video on what Russia wants, of course what the Ukranian people want isn’t covered.
    Also Ukraine is a weak country between major regional powers. If it exists it will be permanently in a state of being invaded by one power or another. What it wants is irrelevant because it can’t turn it’s wants into reality.

    The reality is that Ukraine is a blob of a country with no real geographical boundaries to create natural borders. Borders like that are inherently unstable and constantly in flux, it's pretty much surrounded on all sides by countries that want to press is on it.

  2. #19952
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    Honest Question:

    Is anyone concerned about the nations blood supply due to the use of mRNA technology?

    After the the way the Red Cross and the CDC handled the AIDS crisis (see Arthur Ashe), I'm wondering if the mRNA protein can find it's way into the blood supply?

    Having been told to bank my own blood prior to a surgery many years ago, as well as to avoid cadaver tendons for an ACL replacement (AIDS concern related), I'm thinking that anyone who has not gotten jabbed, would be well advised to bank blood prior to any elective surgery.

  3. #19953
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    NT, Australia


    Buddy Rich has been a bit slack posting Anthony Colpo articles lately (you OK, BR?), but here's one he did on that mask study. I didn't read it because, well...masks are stupid, but some may be interested.

    and Dr Kendrick has been busy lately:

    Vaccination – silencing doctors in the UK | Dr. Malcolm Kendrick

    A few thoughts on COVID19 vaccination | Dr. Malcolm Kendrick

  4. #19954
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    Nov 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    Did you miss the part where in 33 the Government seized gold reserves?
    Their ability to seize it is limited if it is in your possession.

  5. #19955
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    Jul 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    ...Am I the only one feeling less sympathy for the Ukrainians, since they allowed their govt over the past decade to pursue arming and nuking up right on Russia's border, to tease and threaten them? Does anyone doubt that NATO would've launched attempted color revolutions in Russia out of Ukraine, or that trigger-happy Ukrainian officials could've mistakenly launched attacks into Russia? Of course this leads me to accept that all those terror attacks on our and European soil were also self-p0wnage for allowing our idiot leaders to destroy and plunder Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. You reap what you sow, through irresponsible voting or even just apathy as your country destroys and saves the world!
    I am not feeling any less sympathy for them; Here in the US, we were unable to prevent our illegitimate leaders from starting a nonsensical war in Ukraine.

    We have all fallen for propaganda before and we all now have leaders who do not represent us or our interests.

    Quote Originally Posted by rkjohns1 View Post
    ...very out of touch with the Ukrainian people who do not want to be "captured" and placed under the control of a puppet regime. I'm pretty sure every Ukrainian who received a weapon understands that they are now a combatant, and more than willing to wear that badge in defense of their country.
    This already happened in 2014. Do I need to repost the phone call of Victoria Nuland on a bugged phone call discussing who the US wanted to install as president? You do realize that very very few Ukrainians actually support Zelensky?

    Forced conscriptions at the barrel of a gun are not a badge of honor. The use of child soldiers is not glorious.

  6. #19956
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesAmaro View Post
    Here is why I care about the conflict. First, it is completely hypocritical for anyone to claim they are against tyranny and support Putin. Putin is tyranny and that goes far beyond the current conflict. But in regards to the current conflict I remember that last time a fella kept taking over territories in Europe and conducted large scale genocide. Let's just say it did not go well to say the least. Ukraine could be the modern day equivalent of Czechoslovakia. That other fella had his reasons as well for his actions, but no one wanted to stop him because they didn't want another war and the longer we neglected this the larger the problem became. What makes this even worse today is the current madman is literally threatening the use of nuclear weapons against those who oppose him. That concerns me, but as I said previously, I am not asking you to care. If you don't, please go about your day as I don't care to convince you.

    As far as anyone stating that Putin may have valid reasons for his actions, I am certain you could have said the same thing about Osama Bin Laden regarding the flying of some planes into a few buildings. Do you know what negates any points he ever had? The flying of some fucking planes into a few buildings. Russia attacked Ukraine unprovoked. Any points they may have had are now invalid. Thousands of people are going to die and have died as the result of this attack. How many regular citizens who were a week ago waking up, going to work and raising their children are now being displaced as they become refugees in another country that is not their home? Once again, you don't have to care and I am not asking you to. What childhood trauma would you perceive to be worse, having your child endure wearing a mask in school, or having their fucking home exploded and family being displaced or dead? If we are so concerned about "the children" and standing up threatening violence at school board meetings for having to wear a mask, how can people support Putin/Russia for what they have done. Is the tyranny of wearing a mask worse then the tyranny of genocide? Also, yes, that was rhetorical. Once again, I'm not asking you to care and you have a valid option not to. What happens if Russia/Putin follow through with their threat to start using nuclear weapons? Will you care? What happens if one of those nuclear weapons is used to attack your country? Will you care and if so, will you people still be supporting Putin?
    COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  7. #19957
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    No one really knows the number of people dead from this conflict. But as I said, I'm betting your statement/question is not going to age well. I would say we can circle back to this at a later time, but to be honest, I would be glad to be wrong.

  8. #19958
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesAmaro View Post
    What makes this even worse today is the current madman
    Calling someone a madman seems to me a very poor tool to examine a complex situation, although it's very convenient, it removes the need to think beyond stereotypes. For a very long time, Russia has repeatedly and consistently made clear what its demands were; as in, which issues Russia considered to be of existential importance.
    First: security
    Second: protection for Russian minorities.

    In the last 30 years, both these demands have been ignored by the West; Russia's security has been undermined by NATO expansion towards the East, and Russian minorities have seen their status eroded in places like the Baltic republics and, of tragically so, in Ukraine.

    Faced with increasing threats to its own existence, as clearly signaled and defined, Russia had two choices: one of them was to fade from history and become a nation whose destiny is not in its hands. They chose the other. Any other nation with a clearly defined sense of self would have done the same; I would say, should have done the same.

    Russia's actions seem inexplicable only to those who can't admit that a nation can have a very strong sense of its own identity, and a very clear determination to preserve it. Especially in EU countries, which have since long ago ceded sovereignty and control to supranational bodies, the idea that a nation could have clearly defined existential red lines is difficult to grasp, let alone approve of.
    Putin clear warnings and Russia's obvious and reasonable demands were ignored because, for a lot of people, a nation allowing its own sense of self and its own identity to be eroded is now the normal state of affairs. Simply, they could not believe that a nation would actually be willing to fight over some perceived (and clearly signaled) existential threat.

    So, what these people are left with now, to try to make sense of the situation, is to resort to easy to understand categories, like madness.


  9. #19959
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    Jun 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by Browndog View Post
    Honest Question:

    Is anyone concerned about the nations blood supply due to the use of mRNA technology?

    After the the way the Red Cross and the CDC handled the AIDS crisis (see Arthur Ashe), I'm wondering if the mRNA protein can find it's way into the blood supply?

    Having been told to bank my own blood prior to a surgery many years ago, as well as to avoid cadaver tendons for an ACL replacement (AIDS concern related), I'm thinking that anyone who has not gotten jabbed, would be well advised to bank blood prior to any elective surgery.
    I don’t see any obvious ways that it would taint blood. It’s shitty for a lot of reasons but the mRNA goes into cells fairly quickly which produce spikes. It doesn’t seem plausible that it would survive the blood donation process and re continue once it’s given to you. I believe the blood is treated by centrifuge at least to get the rbc/haematocrit out for donation. I don’t think there’s any cells in your blood that are capable of being infected by the mrna and going on to produce spike. Everything in your blood is produced by something else. But don’t ask me I don’t know shit about blood donation processes or cell biology.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steven Kalin View Post
    Their ability to seize it is limited if it is in your possession.
    Let me guess, your gold was “lost in a boating accident”

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesAmaro View Post
    No one really knows the number of people dead from this conflict. But as I said, I'm betting your statement/question is not going to age well. I would say we can circle back to this at a later time, but to be honest, I would be glad to be wrong.
    Speaking of not ageing well, your mention of “Q” wont age well. Tell me what you know about who or what “Q” is?

  10. #19960
    Join Date
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    I’m totally amazed at the pro Putin sentiment the man is a vicious sociopath that murders anyone in his path. That’s fact not my opinion, and a modicum of research on anyones part would enlighten the doubters.

    Forget the government of Ukraine every government is corrupt including ours.

    That’s no excuse for murdering the civilians that happen to live under that government.

    The idea Ukraine isn’t a country or is going to attack Russia is also ridiculous.

    I found the Covid information on this thread informative and useful ( and another perfect example of very corrupt governments) and appreciate your efforts.

    But this excusing Putin is sick.

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