Hey, prudence is always advised. I still don’t really expect anything like a civil war in America, I think this is enemy propaganda too, but these Democrats are out of control for sure. I guess I’m spoiled, where I’ve lived we’ve had an unbroken reign of the communist party for 80 years, they just pretend to be Christian Democrats now. They are incompetent and corrupt, but at least they are old school commies, not these new school commie fascist social engineering lunatics trying to take over the West.
I remember being on reddit as they were coming out one by one, I even spent time going through the wikileak emails.
Overall I find the pizzagate stuff suspect but not conclusive.
Question to anyone skeptical. If you went into a strangers home and you saw a single questionable artistic image of a child, you would probably think nothing of it.
My question is how many images would have to see before you started to think there was something suspect about them? Put a number on it.
One would be enough for me. I can maybe understand questionable portraits of kids from the times when you didn't have photographs and you had to hire a portrait artist and he painted the kid in a mildly sexual way because he got sidetracked, but that's about it. A baby girl in a BDSM pose is disconcerting to say the least.
I read some of the Podesta emails. I can't say with any certainty the pizza shit is somehow involving pedophile stuff, but it is DEFINITELY code for something. He isn't actually talking about pizza when he mentions it. And if he has to talk in code in private emails, that means it's something he desperately wants to keep hidden, and is probably criminal or scandalous in some way.