In case anyone is interested in some high level comedy. I propose browsing through the video and going for the comments, just to see what the bottom 0.3 percent of the most retarded continent in the world have to say: Outbreak: How Australia lost control of the COVID Delta variant | ABC News - YouTube
I have to correct you on this one. I am in no way implying that these people are causing harm by witholding anything, I am openly saying that hospitals and doctors all over the West have been involved in open homicide by using designed to kill WHO guidelines on how to "treat" Covid patients. Most of the people working in hospitals are obviously not smart enough to understand that this is what they have been doing, but this does in no way excuse them.
One day, we will reach a point in the future where historians of the time will be able to fairly look back and pass judgement on the era of Covid hysteria. Aside from the obvious exploitation of Covid to consolidate power among the elite and steal rights from the peasants, what one sentence will best describe the failure of the world's management strategies?
For me, it's: "The selfishness of first-world countries in vaccinating hundreds of millions of healthy/immune people caused hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths in poorer nations where vaccines were severely limited in availability."
Hardly, even in the pockets of severe Covid mania in the US, the authoirites were well aware of the fact that they could never even attempt to implement the zero covid thing. It comes down to the second amendment, you guys got in in the constitution, us here in former Yugoslavia are now happy about the wars in the 90s because everybody kept their AKs and so on.
They are smart enough to understand it. The human brain has a glitch, a security hole, discovered by Joseph Goebells, that's never been patched. It's been named "The Big Lie"...or große Lüge in German. The architects (which some don't believe in) created this plan upon this glitch. I must say it is a brilliant plan. They even practiced it during Event 201. Yet, most people still cannot believe that such a Big Lie would ever exist.
Plus, Doctors are people. The scamdemic has turned their lives upside down as well. So, they aren't at their best right now.
The Green Pass is now officially required for private workers, even autonomous ones, in Italy. It is required for public administration workers, for clients pretty much anywhere you have to sit down or stay inside.
They are rushing things, very quickly. They want 90% of us vaccinated by mid-October. We are currently at 75%.
And you probably heard this speech by this bitch:
Von der Leyen: EU will donate 200 million COVID-19 vaccine doses to low-income countries | DW News - YouTube