I've been mulling over this essay: Doug Casey on the Rise of Phyles and Like-Minded Communities… and Why You Need to Find One Right Now
I don't agree with everything Doug Casey says here. By abandoning the concept of Nations and Borders, he's playing right into the Globalists hands. I will always be an American. But "Phyles" (or Tribes) is what you are talking about. If you think about it, StartingStrength is a "phyle"...a virtual one, but a Phyle nonetheless. The opposite extreme of this virtual Phyle here are the Amish.
Which is not only misleading but completely false. Herd immunity is ONLY achieved through infection. The vaccinated catch and spread the virus, therefore DO NOT contribute to herd immunity. This needs to be repeated over and over and over until it sinks in for these dipshits.
CDC busted on Natural Immunity… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
For teenagers, Peer pressure is truly a difficult task. Especially when all access to the things that they dreamed about accessing as an individual without input from parents will be denied from Them. We older folks already lived through much of the fake perks of society, so giving up on going to a pub or other social club bullshit is not a hard thing to abandon.
My elder children wouldn't really care one way or the other regarding this poison, if not for the fact that their parents are deadset against them taking it. Plus my girls do want to get married and have kids eventually. So they do pay attention to the biodistribution issues of this gene therapy and that the LNP does reach the ovaries (for sure in mice, possibly in humans) and that the official studies regarding these matters are not finished. Plus, they are aware of bleeding and menstrual issues that have happened to many women in the community as well as some friends who have taken this gene therapy. So while they are educated enough not to take it, they are pretty pissed that a portion of their lifes experience is being stolen from them.
many people are thinking about doing the same, i am on that boat as well.
Post me a list of books to read.
Also, what's your thoughts on Matt Eheret Matt Ehret'''s Insights - by Matthew Ehret
While this is true, the first stage for a cure is the diagnosis itself.
I am sure that this forum alone, has been an awakening for some and has given strength to others. The fact that we discuss these matters and bring to light the problems and malaise of the current events are in of itself a seed to propagate more positive action.
It's a challenge for teenagers. It really is. Stay Strong!
Check out what I wrote earlier maybe it might bring some insight.
You are right only in that this is nothing new at its core. It's just the same old socialism, with a small twist. Communist revolts are a group of revolutionaries overthrowing the ruling class, crowning themselves the new ruling class, and proclaiming this is a just outcome for all. This new take is just the ruling class using the power they already have to be the revolutionaries, and proclaiming this is a just outcome for all.
When someone starts putting forth talking points and policy proposals, and in short order world governments start parroting those talking points and trying to make legislation out of those proposals, how can you say that someone does not have any kind of real influence on society?
Was this opinion written by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, or Uncle Rip? It’s hard to imagine a sharper rebuke of the OSHA mandate.
Malthusianism is their religion! It is a major problem with many thinkers that have power and sway in the world. This is in effect how all your feudalistic oligarchs of Europe have managed to stay in power over eons. They are merely trying to restructure the current global paradigm back to a more obvious way of rulership, in contrast to the last 100 or so years that have been more from the shadows. Having said this, I wouldn't be surprised about the rumors of the supposed rituals of these people. They are truly sick individuals and probably have some crazy evil fetishes that not even money and power could satiate.
You are Exactly correct!
In fact, the Klausanator himself said that nation-states and nationalism pose the greatest obstacle to the great reset agenda.
This whole vaccine mandate bullshit is merely but another one of their dividing wedge tools to create more divide amongst citizens.
Excellent interview with Jay Bhattacharya (of the Great Barrington Declaration) on the costs of lockdowns: What Happened: Dr. Jay Bhattacharya on 19 Months of COVID - YouTube