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There has been a lot of discussion about "atomic individualization" and its relation to classical liberalism lately.
While it is true that any group adhering to classical liberalism in a multicultural society will be systematically destroyed by people and nations unwilling to abide by the same standards, classical liberalism is an advantage within mostly homogeneous, high-trust nations or groups of people.
That is the distinction; classical liberalism and libertarianism only works within nations, not between nations.
It requires people within society to abide by an implicit honor code and to mostly obey implicit rules.
People of varying ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds, no matter how hard they try, will not have the same innate understanding of the honor code necessary for libertarianism to work.
Within nations, classical liberalism prevents the virtue signalling, witch hunt bullshit we see with communists/leftists; the left eats the left...they can't let people make their own decisions.
Albeit, the people within a nation must be single-minded enough to have an inherent understanding of the codes of conduct necessary to organize themselves without explicitly being told how to do so.
Between peoples/nations, libertarianism only puts your group at a strategic disadvantage; eg. you open your borders to facilitate their invasion, while they systematically conquer your territory.
WIthin nations, libertarianism is necessary for the highest levels of scientific inquiry; allowing individuals to be different leads to innovation, progress, meritocracy and the celebration of success.
The accumulation of wealth, familial status and private property both for an individual and his multi-generational progeny creates an incentive structure that forms a strong nation.
However, when the individualism necessary for innovation is punished (tall poppy gets chopped down mindset) or the fruits of his labor or the society he built is promised to "the children of the world" or another race's welfare-brats, there is no longer any incentive for innovation or production; the nation will die.
Guns in the hands of isolated individuals practicing libertarianism in a multicultural society will not protect them or their children.
Guns in the hands of groups of people practicing libertariansim amongst themselves, but national geopolitics against other demographics (that may even coexist within the same city block) are extremely effective.