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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #31861
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by Austrian View Post
    So interesting to me. Change the world "muslim" with "christian" and you guys wouldn't answer like that
    I think you mean changing the world ”muslim” with ”American”. Maybe ”Russian”. The shit Americans have done to other nations and populations does not even come close to what Hamas has been doing.

  2. #31862
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    United Kingdom


    I can't believe we're still discussing the morality of two disgusting, alien Abrahamic religions.

    And the Hamas/IDF debate. Imagine the possibility of your country not getting embroiled in this thing altogether. Imagine those suits really meant their "America First" marketing slogan.

  3. #31863
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Very important piece here, as we go forward from this corrupt horrible nightmare of a government: GOLDEN AGE - EKO LOVES YOU

  4. #31864
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    "There, that solves that problem." DJT

  5. #31865
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by mkm5 View Post
    Here's another look at requested deliveries of physical from paper at COMEX, chart @ 2:02.

    So far this February, there are 3x more requests than the prior monthly averages, and we're only halfway through the month. Someone is converting a LOT of paper to physical gold, and the exchanges can't seem to deliver without weeks of delays.

    I've read some theories, but something big is going on it appears.
    I watched the interview with the bank manager. It would be useful to know what the normal procedure for transferring gold out of the bank is. Because the explanation/excuse is that it takes time to process and physically transport the gold to fulfil the order. They no doubt have procedures to follow for security etc. The concern seems to be that there is a backlog on claims, which is perfectly reasonable because there are physical limits on physical actions.

    The other piece of evidence is the demeanour of the guy answering questions. To me he just looked like he lacked charisma. There's been plenty of scams and bubbles run based on a charismatic point man. Logically an uncharismatic point man could cause the opposite effect.

    I agree that it's odd, but the explanation/excuse given is actually plausible. There's plenty of other similar incidents when the explanations are obviously devoid of reality, but this one might be legit. It also might not be, obviously history doesn't work in the banks favour.

  6. #31866
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    Mar 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    I watched the interview with the bank manager. It would be useful to know what the normal procedure for transferring gold out of the bank is. Because the explanation/excuse is that it takes time to process and physically transport the gold to fulfil the order. They no doubt have procedures to follow for security etc. The concern seems to be that there is a backlog on claims, which is perfectly reasonable because there are physical limits on physical actions.

    The other piece of evidence is the demeanour of the guy answering questions. To me he just looked like he lacked charisma. There's been plenty of scams and bubbles run based on a charismatic point man. Logically an uncharismatic point man could cause the opposite effect.

    I agree that it's odd, but the explanation/excuse given is actually plausible. There's plenty of other similar incidents when the explanations are obviously devoid of reality, but this one might be legit. It also might not be, obviously history doesn't work in the banks favour.
    One of the possibilities of what is going on with gold, is the idea that DJT is repatriating gold to the US under threat of tariffs for specific reasons.

    Once the gold reserves here are replenished, it will be revalued. Current US valuation of gold is oddly at just under $45/ounce. The balance sheet of GDP to debt ($34T) would be offset slightly by revaluing gold to current market value or possibly higher. Maybe much higher.

    GLD would either be paid off in fiat or dissolved based on lack of physical to back it up (DOGE).

    Next step (July 4th) would be establishing a gold based new currency and treasury bonds with 40% or more reserves.

    This has actually been done before, in 1934, and the paper dollar lost 40% of its value overnight.

    May sound crazy, but something big is going on and the insiders are responding accordingly.

  7. #31867
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    United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by mkm5 View Post
    One of the possibilities of what is going on with gold, is the idea that DJT is repatriating gold to the US under threat of tariffs for specific reasons.

    Once the gold reserves here are replenished, it will be revalued. Current US valuation of gold is oddly at just under $45/ounce. The balance sheet of GDP to debt ($34T) would be offset slightly by revaluing gold to current market value or possibly higher. Maybe much higher.

    GLD would either be paid off in fiat or dissolved based on lack of physical to back it up (DOGE).

    Next step (July 4th) would be establishing a gold based new currency and treasury bonds with 40% or more reserves.

    This has actually been done before, in 1934, and the paper dollar lost 40% of its value overnight.

    May sound crazy, but something big is going on and the insiders are responding accordingly.
    Isn't the next monetary system likely to be some kind of programmable, digital ledger technology thing? Why would the banks allow anything gold-backed to replace the dollar if the goal is more control?

  8. #31868
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    Mar 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    Isn't the next monetary system likely to be some kind of programmable, digital ledger technology thing? Why would the banks allow anything gold-backed to replace the dollar if the goal is more control?
    Good question. Might have to do with BRICS, and a battle for reserve currency status.

    I don't understand the digital stuff at all, but I've read a few things about a gold backed block-chain, whatever that means.

    There are legal instruments called gold-backs which several states have adopted as another form of currency. They're basically notes made with gold foil and are actually pretty interesting. I believe Florida and Texas have versions as well as a few other states.

  9. #31869
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


    One last thought on zionism, jihadism and the Middle East mess, then I am done talking about it unless they are successful at dragging us into World War Three:

    We welcome our Jewish friends in America with open arms, and we all believe the Jewish people deserve a homeland.
    However, zionism does not mean what it used to, if it ever did mean what we were told.
    In the past, the term was intended to mean the reestablishment of a Jewish home state where Jews could practice their religion in peace and could live according to the values they desired.
    Now, it has come to represent an imperialist, religious fundamentalist, extremist ideology of Jewish supremacy mirroring Islamic jihadism.
    Only a doctrine of religious extremism would censor the speech of those who so much as dare talk about it.
    Only a zionist-jihadi would choose to make threats against the American nation that has given it so much.

    There is a choice to be made:
    If you are Muslim or of a recent Middle Eastern migrant background and do not believe in the primacy of Western Civilization, you do not belong in the Western World.
    If you are a Muslim or of recent Middle Eastern migrant background and do believe in the primacy of Western Civilization, you still must leave; we can only even consider taking the top 1% and that is almost certainly not you.
    If you are a zionist and do not believe in the primacy of Western Civilization, you do not belong here; israel welcomes you.
    If you are Jewish and wish to stay in America, we welcome you, but we cannot tolerate attacks on our free speech, Christianity, our heritage or your advocacy for American involvement in the Middle East.
    If you stay, you must convert to Americanism.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Very important piece here, as we go forward from this corrupt horrible nightmare of a government: GOLDEN AGE - EKO LOVES YOU
    I have known about this plan for a while, but I am curious how you came across this one.
    Have they begun priming the public for what is coming next?

    It demands citizens who build solutions instead of waiting for them. Who create greatness instead of complaining about its absence. Who lead through action, not just sharing memes (although memes are great).
    The memes were a necessary and important part of the information war that has given us the foothold to begin building; however, the time for passive advocacy is over.
    We will win for one reason; we are stronger than they are.

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    Isn't the next monetary system likely to be some kind of programmable, digital ledger technology thing? Why would the banks allow anything gold-backed to replace the dollar if the goal is more control?
    Read the article Rip posted.
    We haven't won anything yet; not even close.
    However, if we push on to victory, we are building something new; we are building decentralized governance.
    We are taking Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal; it is a New Manifest Destiny.

  10. #31870
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    One last thought on zionism, jihadism and the Middle East mess, then I am done talking about it unless they are successful at dragging us into World War Three:

    We welcome our Jewish friends in America with open arms, and we all believe the Jewish people deserve a homeland.
    However, zionism does not mean what it used to, if it ever did mean what we were told.
    In the past, the term was intended to mean the reestablishment of a Jewish home state where Jews could practice their religion in peace and could live according to the values they desired.
    Now, it has come to represent an imperialist, religious fundamentalist, extremist ideology of Jewish supremacy mirroring Islamic jihadism.
    Only a doctrine of religious extremism would censor the speech of those who so much as dare talk about it.
    Only a zionist-jihadi would choose to make threats against the American nation that has given it so much.

    There is a choice to be made:
    If you are Muslim or of a recent Middle Eastern migrant background and do not believe in the primacy of Western Civilization, you do not belong in the Western World.
    If you are a Muslim or of recent Middle Eastern migrant background and do believe in the primacy of Western Civilization, you still must leave; we can only even consider taking the top 1% and that is almost certainly not you.
    If you are a zionist and do not believe in the primacy of Western Civilization, you do not belong here; israel welcomes you.
    If you are Jewish and wish to stay in America, we welcome you, but we cannot tolerate attacks on our free speech, Christianity, our heritage or your advocacy for American involvement in the Middle East.
    If you stay, you must convert to Americanism.

    I have known about this plan for a while, but I am curious how you came across this one.
    Have they begun priming the public for what is coming next?

    The memes were a necessary and important part of the information war that has given us the foothold to begin building; however, the time for passive advocacy is over.
    We will win for one reason; we are stronger than they are.

    Read the article Rip posted.
    We haven't won anything yet; not even close.
    However, if we push on to victory, we are building something new; we are building decentralized governance.
    We are taking Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal; it is a New Manifest Destiny.
    Decentralized governance? How does that compute with a mad man running the show?

    Fascism - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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