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Thread: old newbie!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Orange N.S.W Australia

    Default old newbie!!!!

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    hi everyone,my name is Andrew Im just starting on the SS programme, Im 45 years old and have been lifting on and off for 10 years or so(mostly shitty bodybuilding stuff-with not much success at all,I love all of Rips stuff.9 HAVE THE BOOKS AND DVD....but have recently found (wendler 531) Im confused at where to start???? current programe is a 3 day programe.( starting strength based ..5 warmup sets....and 3 working sets of 5
    my training days are ( sat, sun and tuesday) CANT CHANGE THE DAYS!

    day 1....squat and press

    day 2....deadlift and bench

    day 3....squat and power cleans

    I do some assistance with all this any good???

    thanks Guys.....Andrew Strathie..( the Scotsman in Australia)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    I'm 47, currently doing sort-of-SS on Tuesdays and Saturdays myself. (sort-of because I'm not increasing weights as prescribed)
    I'm doing a little assistance work also on Wednesday and Sunday -- just chinups and ab roller. Sometimes a loaded carry on Thursday if I have time.

    By the way, why are you posting in this forum -- are you actually signed up for a powerlifting meet?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011


    I'm worried a bit that your bench and press are going to conflict, doing them on Saturday and Sunday.

    You could try this:
    Saturday: squat 3x5, press 3x5, deadlift 1x5,
    Sunday: rest
    Tuesday: squat 3x5, bench 3x5, deadlift 1x5.

    It's not optimal, but your schedule isn't optimal. But, then again, you are 45, and this might work well for you.

    When the deadlift starts to get too heavy, alternate it with power cleans. Fit chinups in there somewhere.

    By the way, this is the training log section for competitive lifters. If this is a log, put it in the Starting Strength logs:

    However, the best place for programming questions are the "Programming" forum, and Andy Baker's "Programming" forum.

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