I remember seeing your first squats and noticing some issues with setting the knees. It looks like you're just a bit uncertain about the when, where and 'how much' but I think you can smooth these out.
I like to think "hips and knees together" to start the descent. Take that for a spin and see if it helps. On the way up, it's "hip drive."
As you get comfortable keeping the load over the middle of your foot, these things will become more natural.
Thanks a lot for feedbacks!
I cued myself to break at hips first on the way down and extend knees first on the way up. Think below looks better although there's still some trace of it in the 5th rep.
That looks much better - well done, sir.
Make sure you keep an eye on your work sets as you go, because these cues are corrective ones. This means that, as your form becomes more and more established, you'll eventually find those cues overcorrecting you into other problems. At that point, they will have outlived they're usefulness to you. This is normal.
This might be a difficult question to answer, and you might not actually have an answer, but I'm curious: Is there something you're focusing on when it comes to the locking out portion of the squat? Is there some idea you have in your mind as to how the lockout should look or be executed? Have you thought about it at all? ("no" is a fine answer for that, if that's the case).
Pretty strange. Almost looks like he's trying to accelerate into the lockout, like it's an additional step rather than the end of the movement.
Get bent over right away, keep your chest down all the way down and up.
Bend at the hips and knees at the same time on the way down.... from the top.
Shove your knees forward and out!!!!! you are completely ignoring this part of the movement pattern.
Knees forward and out gets your thighs out of the way so you can get to depth.
Knees out involves your adductors and hip external rotators.
Lean over....get your knees forward and out.....shove your thighs out to the sides of the walls in your room.
Hold them out on the way up.