At the Ironfest VI competition held at Testify Strength & Conditioning, Emalie Petersen and Sara Deibler took 1st place in the Open Female/Female team division, Camden Grasmick and Brian Farley took 1st place in the Open Male/Male team division, Jason Wilkerson and Loren Wilkerson took 1st place in the Open Male/Female team division, and Sharon Foster and Julie Snyder took 1st place in the Masters Female/Female team division. View Full Results
Martin Shenfield
After perusing the boards and reading a few different situations, it occurred to me that my chronic back pain, crazy broken leg, bad mood, lack of strength etc etc may be caused/not helped by low testosterone. Coupled with the fact that I had two undescended testicles as a child (one surgically fixed and the other left to be retractile for some bizarre reason) I thought I would ask my doctor to test me.
He did and I got 475 ng/DL total which he said was fine. Obviously I didn't test anything else. I wasn't happy so I found a way to order my own blood test with the appropriate stuff.
My best results are: I am 36 years old. Total test - 533 ng/DL Free test - 373 pmol/l I don't know that unit you US guys normally use.
My shbg was in range. Thyroid was fine. Kidney function was checked and fine. Doctor didn't say anything during the physical exam.
The only actual anomaly is my FSH level was 19 U/L with the reference range being 1-8.
LH was 5 with the same range.
So given my history, high FSH level do you think I should give TRT a crack? It's hard to get here in Australia but I can get it with a private script. At least at the moment anyway.
I assume that I do have primary hypogonadism but for some reason my Test levels are not horrible and my LH level is within range. I guess the balance between everything is what is a problem for me.
Obviously I can't thank you enough because I wouldn't have even found this out without you doing what you do, so figured I should give you the final say.
Mark Rippetoe
I don't want the final say. This is your situation, not mine. If it were me, I'd try to elevate my test and see how I felt, which is the only way to know.
I used to never get sore from benching, but the last couple sessions I have been pretty sore. I have been doing one back off set of 6-8 reps, maybe it's because I am hitting more reps than I usually get, because it's after my heavy set?
Soreness is always due to un-adapted-to eccentric loading, in this case the extra reps. It will subside.
Barbells and Motherhood –Sierra Iliff
I Have to Train –Jim Steel
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