Mr. T
So tell me. How is Wichita Falls,Tx?
I have been contemplating getting out of the general Austin, TX area as of late. I just can't take what they have turned this place and the surrounding areas into. The entire region has turned into a shit hole.
I want to stay in Texas for now, or at least any conservative state that hasn't gone completely off the rails...
Is it just another shit town like Bastrop, Texas full of meth and drugged out trash?
I bought my place 15 yrs ago and as luck would have it moved right next door to a meth house full of unemployed shitters....The literal scum of earth that you read about or see in horror movies. Last night, these mother fuckers came in/out/in/out every half hour, from 11pm to 5am. Gee! Wonder what is going on there!? I have grown to despise meth trash...So I am looking at other areas to move before I do something bad.
Mark Rippetoe
Wichita Falls is one of the few towns in the whole world that has not grown at all in the past 70 years. One wonders why. But there's a decent gym here. And right now the weather is beautiful.
I need to take a ride up that way some time and check it out. You can get more house for your money out there too. The Greater Austin area is so overpriced and over taxed.
Everywhere in California is that way, including Austin.
During my last workout I threw up a total of 9 times. 8 on the squat and 1 on the press. I threw up on the last 3 reps of the first and last set as well as the last 2 reps of the second set and then finally the last rep of the first set of presses as I was lowering the bar.
My last meal was eaten 2 and a half hours before my workout and contained a bowl of pasta and some French fries. I also had a pre workout about an hour before. Any idea why this might have occurred? Am I bracing wrong? Because I didn’t brace on my power cleans and I didn’t throw up but this might have been due to the fact that I had nothing left to throw up.
You vomited nine times and decided to finish your workout anyway? Am I reading this right?
Sounds like you might have been sick.
This guy is a fucking animal
An animal would have eaten the vomit. He didn't mention that.
How to Shim a Weightlifting Shoe –Andrew Lewis
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