Intensity Day
440 x 3 x 2
smooth. you can see how i mistep to rack it at the end, i was thinking about going for 5. i bet i could get it but im trying not to blow an o-ring before my meet
Bench Press
330 x 3 x 2
also went easy. not sure about 5 though. bench hits a wall quick and i havent tested my safeties height in a while (yikes prob should do that)
480 x 1 x 3
430 x 3
i dont think a triple at 480 would have gone today, so i just did 3 singles which is better for pulls anyway bc the first pull from the gorund is always a little different and harder for me than the reps that follow. almost like since there is no stretch reflex, the first rep is sort of the rep that primes the nuero and gets the body ready for the remaining reps. so its good to practice singles, but then i threw the drop set in there bc i felt like i needed some more work. meet isnt for a month so i have some slack there.
- i wish my DL was stronger. ive always thought my squats were pretty close to my pulls, and i bet i could squat 480x1 right now.
- had a consult with Delgadillo about form, tapering for my meet, and post meet plans. hes obvioulsy smarter than me at this and i prob should have just done exxactly what he said, but i think im gonna try this taper on my own. he did give me great advice on progressing once TM stops working, and i will do as he says there.
Squat - YouTube
Bench Press - YouTube
DL - YouTube