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Thread: How to Behave Yourself in the Gym | Mark Rippetoe

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default How to Behave Yourself in the Gym | Mark Rippetoe

    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    ​There are several basic rules from which all the picky details descend.

    1. You must respect the gym.

    2. You must respect the other lifters, and they must respect you.

    3. Don't waste time in the gym[.]

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2025


    Please put all your equipment away. If I see someone at the gym leaving with their bar still loaded, I follow them around and loudly say, "Excuse me, are you finished?" And perpetrators will usually say, "Yeah, you can have it." I say, "Oh no, I don't want it. You need to put it away." Public shaming is very effective to teach people how to behave.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by deborahlebl View Post
    Please put all your equipment away. If I see someone at the gym leaving with their bar still loaded, I follow them around and loudly say, "Excuse me, are you finished?" And perpetrators will usually say, "Yeah, you can have it." I say, "Oh no, I don't want it. You need to put it away." Public shaming is very effective to teach people how to behave.
    When I first started training, it was at the local YMCA. Between having been raised by parental figures, the Boy Scouts, and the Marine Corps to leave a place better than I found it, general taking ownership, and a touch of compulsive tendencies, I spent many a rest period between sets restacking plates, reordering dumbbells, and other such tasks to clean up after the oblivious and the rude. Once I encountered real gyms where people had actual norms, it was like a wondrous gift of coming home to my own people at last. I was never that extroverted as you about it, though, Deborah - well done.

    Of course, then 2020 hit, and ever since, the gym is IN my home, where I get to raise my boys to put their weights away just like God and Mark Rippetoe intended.

    I'll add this bro vet song on the subject, for general entertainment:

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