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New to the program and forums, but not so much to lifting. Worked with a few coaches (Westside most recently) over the years but that's no longer possible given with my current schedule. I'll keep this as short as possible.
I'm a cyclist, strength training makes me a better cyclist and more functional human being. Those are pretty much my only two reasons for lifting. I've always had fairly significant groin soreness from squats. About a year ago it became extremely severe and also included the adductor magnus/brevis (from what I can tell). So, not just the inside of my thigh, but the back w/o including the large hamstring muscles. Way more severe in the right leg than the left. DL (sumo and regular) caused no issues, even at high load. For reference sake, I couldn't handle squatting more than 135, but DL was over 300.
A PT thought it was a pinched sciatic nerve (I wasnt' convinced) and had me doing a lot of hip/hamstring mobility work. Another PT (when the first was out sick) thought it was more of an issue of near non existent glute recruitment, causing the adductors to pick up work they weren't remotely ready for. According to him, glutes can get "turned off" in a lot of folks and simply don't contribute the way they should. This seemed more plausible. Their treatment was: stretch the way too tight adductors out so they fire later in hip extension, fix the faulty glute firing timing, strengthen glute max and med.
Any thoughts here? Looking forward to getting back to lifting, but scared I'll have another setback.
I'm sure I left out something important. Thanks in advance.