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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #21971
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by CommanderFun View Post
    I've read estimates the food prices will double by October. Farmers have been dealing with ENORMOUS price hikes for their operations, and it usually takes a few months for those to show up in the actual food market. I just can't wrap my head about this being a planned-for and organized famine though. Historically, starvation is one of the most powerful causes of violent revolts, even REALLY violent revolts. When people are forced to choose between certain death caused by starvation and only possible death at the hands of an establishment thug, the choice is an easy one. This seems like the move they could make that makes it most likely everyone will just kill them. Why would they do this to themselves? I can't help but think it's more just hubris and stupidity than a planned famine.
    It may be. But they should have made it look less-planned.

    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    A week after the horrific Uvalde shooting - where an alleged white supremacist targeted and murdered black Americans – Texas governor Greg Abbott described him as “the sheer face of evil.” It’s hard to disagree. Yet, calling Salvador Ramos the sheer face of evil doesn’t explain why such acts take place.
    They will say ANYTHING. They will print ANYTHING, as long as it supports the narrative.

  2. #21972
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    The same could be said of ignorance bandaids like "dark matter".

  3. #21973
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by CommanderFun View Post
    I've read estimates the food prices will double by October. Farmers have been dealing with ENORMOUS price hikes for their operations, and it usually takes a few months for those to show up in the actual food market. I just can't wrap my head about this being a planned-for and organized famine though. Historically, starvation is one of the most powerful causes of violent revolts, even REALLY violent revolts. When people are forced to choose between certain death caused by starvation and only possible death at the hands of an establishment thug, the choice is an easy one. This seems like the move they could make that makes it most likely everyone will just kill them. Why would they do this to themselves? I can't help but think it's more just hubris and stupidity than a planned famine.
    It's all three; hubris and stupidity from the useful idiots, while being planned in the background by the people who have all the dirt on the useful idiots.

  4. #21974
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    Quote Originally Posted by francesco.decaro View Post
    "Heart can't be hurt by what the eyes can't see" is what we say in Italy. People got vaccinated because they wanted to keep their shitty social status and that is ALL they care about. They could give a shit who dies from it. The only reason they cared about covid deaths/cases/restrictions is because they were forced to give up their social status because of it, definetely not because of compassion or safety. That's why you don't see the same level of panic for the war. Because they can keep going to the mall and working their shitty jobs just fine while it's happening. When we will finally have hyperinflation and food missing everywhere then you'll see people give a fuck and demand that we all contribute.
    This is evil as well as plain stupid.
    I'm a dumbass and it didn't take me much to understand a tiny bit about government intervention on market prices, especially during war times, and the resemblance between now and 100 years ago.
    There is no excuse for ignorance nowadays.
    No excuse, and no coincidences either.

  5. #21975
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    We don't know who "They" are. Anybody have any ideas?
    The WEF, WHO and any of their supporters. Simple enough?

  6. #21976
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    Jul 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    It may be. But they should have made it look less-planned.
    There might indeed be a plan at work here, I just can't figure out the rhyme or reason to it. They seem to want to force transition to a more "eco friendly" civilization, but their methods seem to work against their own best interests. If the vaccines are designed to kill and sterilize people, why would they kill and sterilize the people most inclined to obey them, and leave behind the people most likely to kill them when the dust finally settles and the plot is undeniable? Why would they want to starve us, when that is the most reliable way to get everyone to kill them? Are these people suicidal? I just don't fucking understand their logic, at all. It has to just be they are that disconnected from reality that they don't see these obvious outcomes.

  7. #21977
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  8. #21978
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    Quote Originally Posted by CommanderFun View Post
    There might indeed be a plan at work here, I just can't figure out the rhyme or reason to it. They seem to want to force transition to a more "eco friendly" civilization, but their methods seem to work against their own best interests. If the vaccines are designed to kill and sterilize people, why would they kill and sterilize the people most inclined to obey them, and leave behind the people most likely to kill them when the dust finally settles and the plot is undeniable? Why would they want to starve us, when that is the most reliable way to get everyone to kill them? Are these people suicidal? I just don't fucking understand their logic, at all. It has to just be they are that disconnected from reality that they don't see these obvious outcomes.
    I have asked the same questions many times. How do stupid people acquire enough power to get within shooting distance of this target?

  9. #21979
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilead View Post
    If someone gets your firearms and causes harm w/ them YOU will be fined and sent to Prison for up to 5yrs
    With all the news coming out lately I did wonder about that very specific thing. There was that dipshit open carrying an AR that let it taken off him and ended up causing a shoot out. Surely that guy is getting charged and losing his gun license?

    If you walk around public openly displaying a rifle you are one crack to the back of the head away from losing it. Obviously robbery ain't cool either but SURELY that original guy is getting charged for basically giving a loaded gun to someone.

  10. #21980
    Join Date
    Jan 2019


    starting strength coach development program
    They'''ve officially forbidden the practice of medicine in Ontario, Canada

    Any doctor in Ontario, Canada who doesn't toe the line will have their license revoked. Masks work, vaccines are safe, and ivermectin and HCQ don't work.
    Quote Originally Posted by CommanderFun View Post
    There might indeed be a plan at work here, I just can't figure out the rhyme or reason to it. They seem to want to force transition to a more "eco friendly" civilization, but their methods seem to work against their own best interests. If the vaccines are designed to kill and sterilize people, why would they kill and sterilize the people most inclined to obey them, and leave behind the people most likely to kill them when the dust finally settles and the plot is undeniable? Why would they want to starve us, when that is the most reliable way to get everyone to kill them? Are these people suicidal? I just don't fucking understand their logic, at all. It has to just be they are that disconnected from reality that they don't see these obvious outcomes.
    We can theorize as to how disconnected from reality they are, but at the end of the day, nothing is happening to them and most probably nothing will happen. They consistently and efficiently move the Overton Window in their favor. The discourse is always asymmetric. AKA, PC. (Barry, I think you're on to something)
    This is the only way to explain how these cunts get away with this type of shit. Vaccinated Women - by Etana Hecht - Clown World - Honk

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