Starting Strength Weekly Report

December 17, 2018

  • The world's first Starting Strength Gym is Starting Strength Austin. Grand opening in March 2019.
  • Interested in a Starting Strength Gym in New York City? We want your input.
Training Log
Starting Strength Channel
  • Seminar Q&A – In this segment, Mark Rippetoe and seminar staff answer questions on medical advice for strength training, overanalyzing as a new coach, and how lifters stay motivated after decades of training.

In the Trenches

rippetoe coaching clean
Rip coaches SSC Cody Annino's start position for the clean at the Starting Strength Coach Staff Development workshop at WFAC last weekend. [photo courtesy of Nick Delgadillo]
chase lindley split clean
Chase Lindley demonstrates a split clean during the Olympic lifting SSC staff development workshop. [photo courtesy of Nick Delgadillo]
nick dagostino coaching a pull
Nick D'Agostino coaches a lifter at the start of a pull at the Deadlift and Clean Training Camp held in Woodmere, NY on Sunday. [photo courtesy of Inna Koppel]

Best of the Week

Hamstrings and the Squat
Scott Beall

In the past, I believed (and I think you previously taught at the seminars) that the hamstrings were the primary muscle involved that mad the Low-Bar Squat much stronger than the Front Squat or High-Bar Squat. Is this still your understanding?

I ask because we know that the hamstrings do not shorten nor lengthen significantly in the Squat. However, I we also know that in the HBS or Front Squat, there is much less tension of the hamstrings and therefore the hamstrings contribute little to performing these two lifts.

So my second questions is, if the hamstrings are the primary muscle that make the LBS damn stronger than the other two versions of the Squat, is it because of the stability and security they provide to the hips and knees, and ultimately, the entire barbell-lifter system?

I can also imagine that since the Low-Bar Squat has a smaller hip angle, the gluteals would be lengthened further, thus allowing for more power generation from them. I imagine (and feel when performing a body squat) the same if true for the adductors.

Mark Rippetoe

1. As best we know, this is true. The added muscle mass of the hamstrings enables more weight to be lifted.

2. The hamstrings enable a more horizontal back angle to be used, thus enabling the hip extensors to more effectively add their force production to that of the knee extensors.

Best of the Forum

Manly Mixed Drinks
Mark Rippetoe

There are a few.

Grog, my modern version of the Royal Navy staple drink:

  • 1.5 oz Pusser's Navy Rum
  • 4.5 oz Texas rain water
  • 0.5 oz Rose's Lime
  • 0.5 oz Lime juice, fresh or bottled



Manly name, manly drink, Dark 'N' Stormy. Measurements are: slop in more than enough dark rum, top up the remaining 1/2" of empty glass with a dash of ginger beer.

Even the mixer has a manly word in it.

Joe Tandy

The Old Fashioned

  1. Sugar Cube in Glass, soak with Aromatic Bitters
  2. Add fresh orange peel, dash of water, muddle with back of spoon until orange throws it's oil everywhere and the sugar dissolves.
  3. Whiskey to the top of the glass
  4. Add one BIG ice-cube, rub orange peel around the rim of the glass

I mixed Buffalo Trace with fancy powdered lemon ice tea mix and cold snowmelt for a bastardized Whiskey Arnold Palmer on a self support kayak trip on the South Fork of the Salmon in Idaho. I don't know if it's manly, but it is the best backcountry cocktail I've made.

Simma Park
  • two parts silver tequila
  • one part black pepper infused vodka
  • Shake over ice, serve neat.
  • Add cocktail onions to taste and/or a little sprinkle of the pickling juice.

Mark Rippetoe

Goddamn. That sounds Manly.

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