Results – 2018 USSF Fall Classic Omaha
I am underway with my transition to HLM this week and readapting to sets of 5 after running out LP. I was wondering if I could program curls and weighted dips at this stage of training in the hopes that these assistance exercises will help my press and bench, and possibly put a little size on my arms? I am also currently doing weighted chins 1x a week, as well as BW chins 1x a week.
When changing programs/adjusting programming, I like to give some transition time to see how the basic changes are working before throwing in extra new stuff. Give it 4-6 weeks to see how you respond to the program change before adding new stuff in. You'll have a better idea at that point if you can handle more work in the current program with your current planned pace of increases, and if so, how much and when/where to put it.
I have been training for several years now and I've ran numerous cycles of 5x5 and other bodybuilding (worthless) programs. I even tried SS a couple of years back but was too stubborn to think I could get some size gains in that rep range.
With that said my numbers flat out suck, and I would like to change that.
I'm 5ft 7, 170, at roughly 15% bodyfat and I know I need to get stronger in the big 3 if I ever want to have a solid muscular build.
Even though I've had a few years of training do you feel I could still benefit from Starting Strength? I'm sure you're sick of hearing this, but I'm also an endo at 15% and I don't really want to gain a lot of fat (which is what would happen if I drank 1 gallon of milk a day).
The thing I'm sick of hearing is that you want to gain muscular bodyweight. You know the program works to that end for everybody that's tried it, yet you think that your needs for a svelte waistline supersede the correct application of the program. Boys, fat is just not that hard to lose, while muscle mass is damned hard to gain. Bodybuilders 30 years ago all knew this, and incorporated it into their training year, at least until it became more important to be available year-round for photo sessions – this is when exogenous hormones became so important.
If you've trained for a few years but never done a linear strength progression, it has the potential to work for you for several months. I've said here before that a linear progression is always your default training mode, even if you are advanced and coming back off a layoff.
The 330 lb Press: Ordinary Programming, Extraordinary Persistence –Nick Delgadillo
Petrizzo on Injuries in Barbell Training –John Petrizzo
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