Starting Strength Weekly Report

October 24, 2022

Revolver Edition

On Starting Strength
  • Modifying the Lifts – Rip discusses modifying the basic barbell lifts and when it’s appropriate to do so.
  • More Than Lifting Weights, There's Personal Growth – Ethan Deen from Starting Strength Boise describes his 5-month journey from a 135-pound skinny kid to 180-pound strength machine.
  • Shooting Better Photos and Videos, Part 2 – A peek behind the scenes as Nick Delgadillo runs a workshop for Starting Strength Gyms coaches, owners, and apprentices on taking better photos and videos using a smartphone.
  • Say the Word by John F Musser – Now is the time for doing, not whimpering and whining...
  • Consistently Setting Up Over Mid-foot in the Pin Press by Andrew Lewis – The pin press is an accessory movement to the press primarily incorporated when an intermediate lifter needs to add stress to his pressing...
  • Weekend Archives: Curb Your Veganism by Robert Novitsky – Health fads come and go in developed countries, like ours here in the United States, but some have teeth...
  • Weekend Archives: Good vs. Bad Trainers by Mark Rippetoe – When you walk into a gym, how do you know if the guy with “Trainer” or “Coach” on his shirt actually knows what he’s doing?

From the Coaches
  • Phil Meggers covers basics of a barbell - sleeves, collars, shaft, knurling, diameter, score marks, "Olympic" vs "standard" bars, etc. In this video, he also talks about what to look for - and NOT look for - when purchasing a barbell.
  • Knee problems in your split jerk? Front knee too far forward? Back knee too straight? Phil Meggers covers how to solve these issues . . . with some help from Daenerys Targaryen.
  • In less than two minutes, Phil Meggers discusses and demonstrates a common mistake that might be causing you to fail your bench press, and he also covers how to fix it. This is the fifth video in Testify's series of Saturday Shorts on fixing the bench.
  • In this episode of the PRS Podcast, how to effectively optimize your body position and execution of the overhead press to successfully include it in shoulder and upper extremity rehabilitation, powerlifting programs, and strength and conditioning programs.
  • Learn about the benefits of barbell training for people with scoliosis on this episode of the PRS Podcast.
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In the Trenches

inna koppel coaches tomaz through a set of deadlifts
Inna Koppel coaches Tomaz Berisa as he pulls a set at 365 during this past weekend's Squat & Deadlift Camp in Long Island, NY. [photo courtesy of Mjoy Films]
chris palladino coaches joseph in the squat
Joseph Karp squats 315 with coach Chris Palladino at the Squat & Deadlift Camp in Long Island, NY. [photo courtesy of Mjoy Films]
rippetoe and jeff gonzales on the bulletproof workshop podcast
Rip sat down with Jeff Gonzales this week to discuss Starting Strength and coaching for the Bulletproof Workshop Podcast hosted by Jeff. [photo courtesy of Nick Delgadillo]
jonathan warms up his snatch at the dallas weightlifting championships
Jonathan Furrh warming up for snatch at the Dallas Weightlifting Championships. Jonathan totaled 190 kg (Snatch 85 kg, Clean and Jerk, 105) for a 19 kg PR. [photo courtesy of Josh Wells]
group photo of starting strength coaches and lifters at the dallas weightlifting championships
Josh Wells, SSC with Chase Lindley, SSC and Jonathan Furrh at the Dallas Weightlifting Championships. [photo courtesy of Phoebe Hightower]
lisa smiles as she completes her last rep of the deadlift
Lisa smiles her way through the last rep of her deadlifts while her husband Mark looks on in support at Starting Strength Cincinnati. [photo courtesy of Luke Schroeder]
starting strength boston taught the deadlift to 50 people at a local community fair
Starting Strength Boston’s booth at a local community fair last weekend. Visitors were introduced to the benefits of the Starting Strength program and over 50 people volunteered for a free deadlift lesson. [photo courtesy of Arthur Frontczak]
brianne snatches 51 kg for a double as she trains for the christmas classic meet in omaha
Brianne snatches 51 kg for a double as she continues to prepare for the Christmas Classic weightlifting meet, which will be held at Testify Strength & Conditioning in Omaha, NE, on Saturday, December 3rd. [photo courtesy of Phil Meggers]
daniel coaches dylan to squeeze the bar off the floor in the deadlift
Apprentice Daniel Buege coaches Dylan Thompson through the deadlift as he squeezes the bar off the floor at Starting Strength Houston. [photo courtesy of JD Shipley]
carl fixes the press start position
Carl Raghavan fixes Matthias' start postion as he gears up for a press at the Starting Strength Training Camp held in Munich this past weekend. [photo courtesy of Jochen Steinmaier]
ewa locking out 90 kg at the starting strength training camp in germany
Ewa at the lockout of an easy 90 kg pull during the camp in Germany. [photo courtesy of Jochen Steinmaier]
barlog family photo at starting strength cincinnati
The Barlogs take some time between their work sets at Starting Strength Cincinnati to grab a family photo. Heather and her two daughters, Bryn and Brooke, train together in the 7am session. [photo courtesy of Luke Schroeder]

Best of the Week

RIP Bill March

Mark Rippetoe

The great York lifter Bill March has passed.

Here's a tribute from his daughter, Rebecca Ann March:

My daddy died on Sunday. While there really are no words to describe the grief and sorrow that we feel from his passing from this world, there are words, and here are some of them. Bill March, the man, the myth, the legend, was born William Frederick March at York Hospital on February 4, 1937. He was so tiny his mother, Marie, brought him home in a cigar box. He was the youngest of 8 children and was brought up by his siblings after his dad left and his mother died early in his youth He actually DID walk to school several miles in the snow both ways! (he showed us once) He was a natural athlete and, according to the many stories and the number of people who have mentioned it, he played basketball with everyone in York County. He began weight lifting in his late teens and made quite the impression on Bob Hoffman and Dick Smith who were his trainer and manager. They trained and managed and lifted weights all over the world together. There was that one time at the Tokyo Olympics where he tied for third place and took fourth (because he weighed more). Or that one time, where on a whim, he entered a body building contest and won. How about that world record he held!!! Or, there was that time when he went to a club in downtown York and saw two pretty young ladies. He asked one to dance but his offer was declined so he turned to the other and said, "well, I guess I'll dance with you". 55 years later, Sherry (Shreve) March and her Willie were still "dancing together", at least in spirit. Then there was the accomplishment that was most dear to him, his family. He became dad to Philip Alan Grim II upon meeting Sherry. He then welcomed his three children with Sherry, Rebecca, Jason and Erin. All of his awards and accolades were a far second to his wife and children. He was present for boy scouts, and little league, and gymnastics, and endless swim meets. He taught back handsprings and back tucks in the back yard in his 50's! A hard sneeze or a full belly laugh sent him backwards in his recliner, with is feet pointing to the ceiling and his side hurting from laughter. He was predictable. He had "his way" of doing things, a man of routine. He always sneezed three times. And always said, "It must have been the pepper". He had that one spot on his back that always itched. While working at Consolidated Freight, he loaded a tractor trailer so full that when it reached it's destination the receivers sent a message to say the shipment had arrived but they needed "the Gorilla that loaded it" to come help unload it. He spent almost 30 years as an employee of Apple Chevrolet. He golfed, he played poker, he made friends everywhere, and he was his children's biggest fan. His antics were legendary. His sayings were infamous. In his old age, his favorite past times included over feeding Malooga, Cleo, and Albus (the dogs), yelling at Tipsy and Cyrus (the cats), cheering on (sometimes yelling at) the Steelers, watching NCIS or the Western Channel, and annoying his wife. He did that last part on purpose and would chuckle when he got the response he wanted. Life at the homestead on Ridge Rd will never be quite the same without his usual greeting of, "go away" or "not you again". It wont be the same without him sitting in his recliner, remote in hand. Which, by the way, was one of the ways we were told to deal with his body once he left this world. We could either stuff him and let him sit in his recliner or put him out in the garbage tote for the garbage men to haul away. We chose neither of these options. Dad will be cremated by Cocklin funeral home in Dillsburg PA. Some of his ashes will go to Erin and family in Oregon. The rest, well we haven't decided yet...the Rocky statue?, York Barbell?, a golf course?, there are many possibilities. Dad hated funerals so we decided on not having a public service. Dad was a partner at LCBC York. He was a Jesus lover and believer and we know he is in Heaven celebrating with HIM and living his best eternal life. In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made to his poorest child, Rebecca. (Just joking….kinda)

Best of the Forum

Steve Reeves Powerwalking


I was wondering what your view is on power walking, a cardiovascular exercise pioneered by Steve Reeves. I understand that essentially it involves walking at speed with a dumbbell in each hand and is better than running as it is essentially a low impact exercise in comparison. It’s kind of got a bad rep I think because it’s associated with chubby people in leotards waving tiny pink dumbbells, but I was thinking it might have some practical application for intermediate lifters, who are looking to increase their cardiovascular health over what is already provided by lifting.

Mark Rippetoe


Mark E. Hurling

Reeves seemed to pioneer this about the same time Leonard Schwartz came up with Heavyhands back in the 80s.


Ok perhaps "promoted" is a better description, but my question remains around whether it is a useful modality.

Mark Rippetoe

I prefer to use the prowler.

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