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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #25831
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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by CommanderFun View Post
    But even the earliest humans to end up in the Americas were not truly "indigenous", they migrated from elsewhere. How many generations back does it have to go before you count as "indigenous"? Is there some preset number that keeps getting pushed up periodically so white Americans can never be called indigenous, kind of like how copyright expiration keeps getting pushed up so Mickey Mouse doesn't go public domain?
    I think I commented on this before; there were Denisovans and other hominids in North America a hundred thousand years before any of the current "indigenous" people.
    The people with the highest amount of the original Native American blood live on a small island in the Philippines.

    If you have ever interacted with the North American Indians, you would know they don't look anything like the native Mexicans or South Ameicans.
    Their personalities, tastes and heritage is completely different.

    Before the Alamo, Mexico claimed large swathes of what is now the United States, even though there were not any Mexicans there.

    This latest propaganda piece has been pushed hard by Soros and his NGOs in Mexico/Central American/South America.
    They teach them in the official school textbooks that North America rightfully belongs to Mexico and must be retaken through a "Reconquista"

    I have had Mexicans, here in Idaho, openly say as a matter of regular, daily conversation to me and other White people "We are taking this country and there is nothing you can do to stop us." "We will are outvoting you (they did not have citizenship) and there are more of us coming"
    I have had friends who have gotten into traffic accidents with illegal aliens or Hispanics that did not have insurance; every time a Hispanic cop shows up, the White person is cited and fined, no matter who was actually at fault. The only recourse was to go to court to try to recoup their losses against a defendant that did not have a real name or insurance.

    Mexico and a large percentage of the aliens here remember the Alamo; they are still trying to win that war.

  2. #25832
    Join Date
    Apr 2016


    Rip and Stef:


    6 posts in the forums, all of them
    just happen to be in this thread.

    The only question is…

    A burner account for a disgruntled, Leftist regular member of the forums or simply, disruptive loser?

  3. #25833
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    Please reread my previous posts. I specifically indicated that the individuals at the Rittenhouse shooting as rioters. Why? Because they were rioting. I am not defending their actions. But having a child bring a weapon into an active riot is also not a good idea. He made a bad situation worse. If you were to state the rioters should also be charged with crimes I would be in agreement. I am also not concerned about leftist or rightest attacks on government buildings. Both groups should be charged if this is what occurred.

    But I am now engaging with someone who uses memes he found on the internet to advance their views. I guess you win this round.

    Quote Originally Posted by CommanderFun View Post
    They're no less "indigenous" than Mexicans are.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    How does this keep getting forgotten?
    Yes, it is easier to argue with the more sarcastic elements of my post rather than the actual point that was conveyed regarding the demographic change of this specific county over the past 50 years.

  4. #25834
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    Quote Originally Posted by CommanderFun View Post
    But even the earliest humans to end up in the Americas were not truly "indigenous", they migrated from elsewhere. How many generations back does it have to go before you count as "indigenous"? Is there some preset number that keeps getting pushed up periodically so white Americans can never be called indigenous, kind of like how copyright expiration keeps getting pushed up so Mickey Mouse doesn't go public domain?
    By the same token, Commander, everything is in flux. So what do we have to complain about? It’s another way this administration is returning us to Nature.

  5. #25835
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    Do you think humans have the technological capability to trigger an ice age?
    Probably not, but I wouldn't be surprised if them attempting to fuck around with the weather to "save the world" happened to actually cause one.

  6. #25836
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    Grobleaugg is just arguing on ever shifting semantics on known tropes. That's a pretty obvious tactic to ruin thread topics by derailing.

    Rip, where is his IP address from? Something tells me it's either from Israel or 404 Not Found Eglin, or another Nato military base.

  7. #25837
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    I think I commented on this before; there were Denisovans and other hominids in North America a hundred thousand years before any of the current "indigenous" people.

  8. #25838
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Interesting. Do you see what happens when trust is lost? Even if the Bidens didn't do it, you're a fool if you don't think they probably did, because that's what they've taught us.
    Indeed. Given the clown show that is the Biden administration, I was prone to believe they did it (and maybe they did). That first link seems most likely (lots of interesting replies in the comments, some challenging his theory, with some in the gas pipeline industry chiming in to lend credence to the theory).

    Incidentally, I hadn't read the forum in a long time (since the idiotic lockdowns). Going through this thread and catching up on Tom Woods' podcasts since March of 2020*, it's been fascinating to relive the past few years of madness. It's also been reassuring to see all the smart, like minded people who not only saw through this farce, but had solid data and actual science sources to back it up.

    While it was depressing to see how many Americans were willing to submit to the boot of petty tyranny, it was also heartening to see a large number wake up to what mediocre, power hungry authoritarians we have in office - and more importantly - in the unelected bureaucrats. People I know who normally either go along to get along or are default Democrats were shocked by the policies of the last few years.

    Yes, since I live in the LA area, there are far too many people I know who were steadfast covidiots. But some I'd never think would say a bad word about "public health officials" and people like Newsom or Biden got very angry about the arbitrary rules and hypocrisy as the tyranny was extended into 2021 and 2022.

    There can be no amnesty with those who supported policies that an hour on internet searches in LATE MARCH OF 2020 (!) would show were not only ineffective but very damaging.

    *TLDR: I only listened to his during my commute in LA traffic - when we were forced to work remotely for over a year, I stopped listening until this year.


    There were states that did not require this, and that even have no state income taxes, right? Move there

    This. So much, this.

    When I moved to LA from Chicago, I thought I'd never leave. Now, despite loving my current job, I can't wait to leave. My wife gets a nice pension if she retires at 55 (gets much less if she retires before then. So, I'll tough it out in the People's Republic of Kalifornia until then.

    Thank goodness The U.S. still has a semblance of federalism, and we can vote with our feet. Weighing options on what state to move to. My wife's from the Philippines. That means it can't be a state with a cold winter (New Hampshire was high on my list). Florida's too humid. Texas, Tennessee, and North Carolina are the top three options now.

    We have about half a dozen years to plan.


    And that percentage of Americans as you’ve mentioned is increasing, I can tell them only one thing: If they do not change their opinion, if they do not understand us, if they do not support Ukraine, they will lose NATO, they will lose the clout of the United States, they will lose the leadership position that they enjoy in the world.
    Good,. NATO should've been disbanded shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union.

    Beyond that, it's D.C. and the foreign policy establishment's arrogant insistence that America be the "leader of the free world" and have active interference in other countries that's caused so many boondoggles throughout the world.

    There's no contradiction with Americans being proud of the country's founding ideals and not wanting to be "the leader of the free world." In fact, those ideals demand American doesn't try to meddle in other the affairs of other countries.

    None of this means one endorses horrible actions of foreign leaders, or that one is a "Russian stooge" or Putin apologist. Such slurs are the weak arguments of childish midwits.

    FFS, the very phrase has its origin with Stalin's Soviet Union.
    The Historical Origin of 'Political Correctness' - Intellectual Takeout

    The ideas driving PC are not harmless or born of good intentions. Yes, there may be some who think it's a good idea to be nice to people and not use harsh pejorative terms. Those people are ignorant of the goals of the people pushing for PC.

    Robert Hughes saw evidence of this as an art critic, giving examples of the effects in his prescient 1993 book The Culture of Complaint.

  9. #25839
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Incredible discovery places humans in California 130,000 years ago | Ars Technica

    Predates Clovis culture by 100,000 years.
    Denisovians were the only ones likely to be there at the time.
    Joe Rogan | The Strange History of the Denisovans w/Graham Hancock - YouTube

  10. #25840
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnst_nhb View Post
    He’s also a fucking moron if he ever thought masks were going to work. Every scientist that works in any BSL2+ lab knew this.
    This is also true, but Gilead has been teaching me to let go of my murderous ways and give people another chance.

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