Starting Strength Weekly Report

April 22, 2019

  • Starting on Friday the 26th, Starting Strength Radio becomes our weekly podcast, distributed in both audio format as well as video on YouTube.. Rip gives a few teasers as he announces the change: Starting Strength Radio Begins. You can submit and vote on questions for the first new-format episode here.
Starting Strength Channel

Training Log
Gym Spotlight
  • Greysteel Strength & Conditioning is the place where Dr. Jonathon Sullivan brings Big Medicine to life in the Detroit area. His gym "specializes in increasing the strength, power, mobility and overall physical performance of those in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond."
  • Glenn Reynolds asked's readers to comment on their experience following Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength. Read the feedback here.

In the Trenches

156 kg press attempt max ramsay
Max Ramsay attempts a 156 kg press for his third attempt during the USSF Meet held at WFAC last weekend. Max successfully pressed 150 kg (330 lbs) for his second attempt. [photo courtesy of Cathy Delgadillo]
kade clymer competes
Kade Clymer competes in his first meet at 9 years old. Kade is coached by Chase Lindley at WFAC. [photo courtesy of Nick Delgadillo]
danny alecia 275 kg deadlift
Danny Alecia pulls 275 kg (606 lbs) for the overall Open win at the USSF 2019 New York Spring Classic at Woodmere Fitness Club. [photo courtesy of Inna Koppel]
laurie radler 92 kg deadlift
61-year-old Masters women winner Laurie Radler locks out 92 kg. [photo courtesy of Inna Koppel]
alex kennedy coaching the squat
Alex Kennedy coaches Nathan out of the hole with 405 at last weekend's Starting Strength Squat & Deadlift Camp in Nashville. [photo courtesy of Alex Beasley]

Meet Results

Omaha Strengthlifting Challenge

2019 USSF New York Spring Classic Results

Best of the Week


I having some trouble with walking (and spelling) so I visited the doctor and got a referral for an MRI. A call from my doctor the next morning to come in. I think this is not good! He has scheduled an appointment with the neurosurgeon. I have 2.5 cm mass in my brain. Surgery is scheduled for Tues.

This was right before my 69'th birthday. Problems started to show up right after this.

I will probably ignore the advice of not lifting more than 10 lbs (why 10 and not 9 or 12?) What bad could happen?

I am thinking I can actually have a Novice Linear Progression. My squat NLP was box squats - eleven to ten to nine to eight!

Impairment? We'll see? Right now I just want to walk again!

I am signed up for the Denver Seminar and wondering if I should still go?

Mark Rippetoe

I think you're having trouble thinking right now. Maybe we'll decide about the Denver seminar and the training AFTER THEY REMOVE YOUR FUCKING BRAIN TUMOR. You know, see what actually happens and decide based on that. Yeah, that sounds like a better thing to do.

Best of the Forum

Exercise Order on SS

In your book you mentioned that the exercises in the program should be performed in that order, but I have a question regarding squatting first. The idea of doing-what-is-harder first makes sense to me, but some strength coaches (which are not as smart as yourself, but they are still respected) claims things such as this: “No matter how hard and heavy is your bench/press, it will never screw up you squat. But virtually every heavy squat will screw up your bench/press”

The argumentation here is that heavy squats screws heavy bench due to their longer ROM and the absolute weight involved. So even though they are two very different movements, as you always pointed out, your body is a system, and energy is energy. So supposably the “squats takes away energy” and screws benches and presses.

So the my question is: is this bullshit? Or it does make sense swap the order of the exercises and leave squats for last?

PS: the main reason I’m asking is that I would never modify your masterpiece without your consensus. I might be old fashion on this.

Mark Rippetoe

Squats make you tired, correct. They also make you warm. If you bench/press after you squat, you adapt to benching/pressing after you squat. And then you deadlift after squats and benches/presses. You adapt to that too. Later, when it's time for more complicated programming, you may split the week into lower body/upper body, as our 4-day split routine does.


For most people, squats are the most psychologically stressful and difficult. If you can just get those done, there is some semblance of "relaxing" mentally the rest of the workout.

Also, the only alternative is to deadlift, bench, squat which is just a horrible idea, because no one wants to squat heavy after they deadlift heavy. Deadlifts are just so goddamn hard and taxing, doing anything near maximal afterwards is a bad idea.


What if you are doing a lighter, higher-rep day on squats, but were going to do a normal, heavy deadlift set of 5? Which would work better, squats 3X10 deadlift 1X5 or the reverse?

Mark Rippetoe

It has been written. That which has been written shall be obeyed. Your pathetic attempt at "reasoning" pales in comparison to the wisdom I have brought the world. It has been written, and you shall obey.


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