Starting Strength Weekly Report

February 04, 2019

  • The Starting Strength Training Registry – John Petrizzo describes how the registry project was set up to investigate the effects of a free weight resistance training program using a modified Starting Strength Novice Linear Progression and presents its results.
  • From the Archives: In Getting Played: Whose Fault is It?, Mark Rippetoe considers who is at fault and who suffers as a result of ineffective "functional training" that has been widely used with athletes at all levels in recent years.
Starting Strength Channel
  • Starting Strength Stories: Nicholas Racculia applies the principles behind the Starting Strength method to a group of very motivated lifters with developmental and intellectual disabilities at his gym - Iron City Athletic Club.
  • Starting Strength Coach Nick Delgadillo describes an easy way to brew good coffee in his introduction to a simple pour over method.
Training Log
  • Mark Rippetoe describes how hitching the deadlift develops and how to correct this form error.
  • From the Archives: How do you prepare for a successful set? By focusing on a single rep. Daniel Raimondi explains.
Gym Spotlight
  • Get to to know FiveX3 Training in Baltimore, MD – Emily and Diego Socolinsky are two of the most experienced Starting Strength Coaches around, having earned their certifications with the original cohort of 2010. FiveX3 Training was founded the following year, and they've successfully grown it since then. Check out their updated affiliate gym listing to find out more.

In the Trenches

getting coached at a starting strength training camp
Chris Kurisko SSC and Jonathon Sullivan MD PhD SSC observe a lifter at the squat camp held at Greysteel Strength and Conditioning in Farmington Michigan this past Saturday. [photo courtesy of Jonathon Sullivan]

Best of the Week

Are we a “fitness trend”?
Mark Rippetoe

Are we a "fitness trend"?
Here's how to stop fitness trends from ruining your body


To reply in the affirmative would indicate that someone has ruined their body. I guess we’d have to figure out how many Starting Strength practitioners have ruined their bodies.

Alexander Dargatz:

Well, we should be. Rational strength training is the base for fitness after all.

I don't know how, where or why you find these shitty articles all the time, Rip. I hope for your sanity you don't search the web for them. This one is especially hilarious, in a sad way. Or rather especially sad, in a hilarious way.

"You’re setting yourself up for burnout syndrome,” physical therapist Corinne Croce, 36, tells The Post. She says the condition develops from putting repetitive stress on the same parts of the body.

Yes, bad stress! Drop! It is known, repetitive stress is evil, at least without PT and massage. The corrective exercises look like a horrible way to waste your time.

Dysfunction: Hamstring weakness
Corrective exercise: Sprinter bridge

And here I thought squats and deadlifts would strengthen my weak hammies. Thank god this buff former pro soccer player shows us the light. Looking forward to my intense repeated stress tonight, heavy squats and presses followed by light volume DL. Maybe I should check my ankle mobility first...


Not even close.

The thinking in this article is bizarre. There's the correct observation that there are now way too many fitness trends and gimmicks, but then they recommend doing a bit of all of it. As if a counterbalance to the increase in extremes is to all of them a little bit. "Dysfunction: X, corrective exercise: Y." If your fitness trend is causing dysfunction, maybe stop doing the fitness trend. Just a thought.

Crazy reasoning. Crazy.

Erik Y

A friend of mine writes for the Post. Murdoch subsidizes it with profits from his other ventures, so it’s easier to get work writing there than you might think. Obviously you have to be able to write well enough to get your article published, but I doubt that there is a ton of scrutiny on what goes into the fluff section of the paper.

Best of the Forum

Definition of conditioning?
Primal Fish

Mark, I know you define strength as "the production of force against an external resistance." Although you're not a conditioning coach, is there an exact way that you'd define conditioning?

Mark Rippetoe

Getting hot, sweaty, and out of breath. Usually in the gym. Maybe on the track.

Primal Fish

You've made it sound like conditioning is a bad thing! Not true Mark. You like the prowler for this purpose and think that conditioning work may be of value to a more advanced lifter. So improving one's conditioning is improving one's ability to....what?

Mark Rippetoe

I have?

Rob Thompson

I posit that conditioning is the training adaptation that enables a trainee to do specific work with greater ease, though some carryover to other activities is probable.


Maybe I am using the wrong term. Maybe instead of conditioning, it should be called "cardio", "cardiovascular training"or "aerobic capacity training"

What I am asking about is NOT sports specific... just like strength training. And it can be improved.

I think Jim Wendler likes Hill Sprints for this type of "general conditioning." I thought Rip liked the prowler for this purpose. Any motion that makes your whole body move seems to be better because it would get you out of breath quicker. So, it makes sense to me that sprinting and prowler pushing would be the most useful tools.

Person A can do 8 Hill Sprints in a few minutes, no problem. Person B makes it half way up once and keels over. And maybe person B is stronger then person A in the big lifts.

So, person A has a better ability to do what? It probably has to do with breathing, lungs, heart, oxygen, C02. I was just hoping for an exact definition.

George Christiansen

Conditioning is primarily the training of the various energy systems to be most effective and efficient. Which system(s) would depend upon the actual type of conditioning being done.


Mark Rippetoe, how would you define "aerobic capacity"? I believe this may be what I had in mind, when I originally asked about conditioning.

Mark Rippetoe

I wouldn't define aerobic capacity. Not my field of expertise.

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