Starting Strength Weekly Report

July 03, 2023

Butterfly Edition

On Starting Strength
  • Hypertrophy – Rip talks about muscular growth and strength increases. He discusses why lifting light weights for high reps does not drive muscle growth and adding more volume doesn't mean you're "doing hypertrophy."
  • Your Back: The Key to a Bigger Bench – Phoebe Hightower of Starting Strength Oklahoma City explains how she coaches the back arch for the bench along with some tips and what you should be focused on during the setup.
  • Strength and Aging: What My 100-year-old Father-in-law Showed Me by Denis Finnegan – I have been a health enthusiast for decades and recently started barbell training. I also have recently experienced some musculoskeletal issues...
  • The Iron Bug by Jim Steel – Where I grew up in Maryland, back in the '70s and '80s, football and basketball were king, and baseball was an afterthought, something you played when...
  • Presentación de Libro, Starting Strength en Español (Parte 2) – En esta segunda parte del video “Presentación del libro SS en Español” Hari aprovecha la oportunidad para contestar preguntas frecuentes que recibe por parte de sus clientes y/ó público en general, con el fin de desmentir los mitos más comunes del levantamiento con pesas.
  • Weekend Archives: The First Rep by Daniel Raimondi – The novice progression begins by finding a weight that can be performed with good technique, which slows the lift down slightly. This represents...
  • Weekend Archives: Strength and Prevention of Injuries by Mark Rippetoe – Highly-motivated highly-talented athletes will push themselves to the edge of their abilities in an effort to win, since winning is what athletes do...

In the Trenches

mark rippetoe joins john welbourn on the power athlete podcast
Listen in as Mark Rippetoe and John Welbourn discuss the importance of tailoring a training program to the your particular audience, how Olympic sports has changed, and why no frills essential movements are important for everyone on the Power Athlete podcast.
david locking out a deadlift at a starting strength training camp
David locks out a pull at the Starting Strength training camp held in Phoenix last weekend. [photo courtesy of Lawrence Beck]
robert santana coaches lawrence at the start of his deadlift
Robert Santana coaches Lawrence at the start of a deadlift at the camp at Weights & Plates. [photo courtesy of David Roberts]
the dogs lounge at weights and plates in arizona
Eight paws, two bellies. [photo courtesy of Robert Santana]
nate works for the correct finish in the deadlift
Nate works to achieve the correct finish position as he pulls a set of five reps under Mike's guidance at Testify Strength & Conditioning in Omaha, NE. Nate recently started training at Testify and will be joining his dad, Dave (who also trains at Testify), as they team up for the upcoming IronFest competition. [photo courtesy of Phil Meggers]
jeremy squats at starting strength boston while in town at a medical conference
Jeremy from New York was in town for a medical conference and stopped by Starting Strength Boston to get in a workout. [photo courtesy of Michael Shammas]

Get Involved

Best of the Week

Starting Strength Radio

Andy Crawford

Any plans for more episodes per week in the future? I really enjoy them from Q&A to all the guests. I’ve been going back and listening to several on cholesterol and testosterone lately.

Mark Rippetoe

Not something we've considered. After all, I'm not Joe Rogan.


Next time Rogan calls, you might discuss it with him.

Mark Rippetoe

He won't be calling back. I told him to stop bothering me every week.

Best of the Forum

Applying the SS Method to Arm Wrestling


Many arm wrestlers have adapted popular strength programs to arm wrestling training in an attempt to get better at the sport. The most notable is Todd Hutchings who has adapted the Westside Barbell Conjugate Method to his arm wrestling training. As a result, he is known as probably the strongest arm wrestler in the US and has proven that Strength>Technique in Arm Wrestling.

Having successfully used the Starting Strength Linear Progression model as your present in the book for barbell training, this got me thinking that the model is probably applicable to arm wrestling training as well as the best way to rapidly accumulate strength in the foundational arm wrestling movements.

I assume you are unfamiliar with what the foundational movements are since I have heard you talk about arm wrestling here and there and you do not seem very interested in the sport. The foundational movements to train are:

-Side Pressure, the ability to go from the starting position and dragging your opponent in a sideways direction toward the pin pad.

-Back Pressure, the ability to go from the starting position and dragging your opponent back toward your side of the table.

-Wrist flexion, the ability to curl your wrist, mostly used for an inside move called "hooking".

-Wrist Pronation, the ability to pronate your wrist to put your opponent's hand at a mechanically disadvantageous position, mostly used as an outside move called "Top Rolling".

Of course I am going to continue to train the foundational strength movements as they obviously make you stronger at everything, but I am wondering if you have any thoughts you can give on how to apply the SSLP method to the specific arm wrestling movements listed above.

You advocate sets of 10 on barbell curls. Do I also need to move the amount of reps per set up on the specific arm wrestling movements because smaller muscle groups don't respond in the same way as the big lifts with sets of 5? Obviously the incremental weight increases would have to be much smaller than the barbell lifts. Any thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated.

Mark Rippetoe

The SS method does not apply specifically to anything other than getting stronger.

The Two-Factor Model of Sports Performance

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