Fivex3 Training held their 4th Annual Stronger Together Partners Meet on Sunday, December 4, raising over $4500 for the Music Therapy Program at Gilchrist Hospice.
6 months or so ago I started having some episodes of my heart racing and beating "loudly" for a few seconds. I told my GP and to be on the safe side they arranged for me to wear a 24 heart monitor.
Being the NHS, I didn't hear anything for 3 months or so but it seems a cardiologist finally looked at it and told me I have a 2nd degree heart block and to stop driving immediately. He asked me if I had any periods of faintness (I hadn't) and said if I had he would have told me to go to A&E (ER for Americans).
[Obviously the heart trace was like schroedinger's cat - I was perfectly safe to drive for the 3 months until a cardiologist looked at the trace]
Thanks to my private health insurance I managed to get seen by a specialist yesterday. He did another ECG and an ultrasound and is sending me for a heart MRI. Unless the MRI finds anything worse, it seems likely that I will need a pacemaker.
Anyway - my main question: I told the doctor I train and lift heavy (compared to a non-lifter) and he said he would put the pacemaker under the muscle. However he also said I might have to be careful with heavy weights for benching/pressing etc due to mechanical damage to the wires. Is this something you have come across? Anything I should be careful of?
Mark Rippetoe
I have seen pacemakers installed like this, and you can easily manage it. Have you ever had an episode in the gym?
I've never had an episode at all. Not fainted in 30 years.
Gerald Boggs
Looks like the US Army is back to admitting female soldiers are weaker and have less endurance than male soldiers, but in spite of that, will still be able to serve in occupations that require a high level of S&E. Which means that it stays the same as it ever was, with leaders having to ensure that female soldiers are always paired with male soldiers for any task that requires S&E.
Army Combat Fitness Test launches April 1 with scoring based on a soldier’s age, gender
Nothing in this article will make the Russians nervous.
Strength in Adversity: Keep Your Head Up –
Overcoming the Fear of Barbell Training –Inna Koppel
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