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  1. Programming while lower body heals
  2. Short term goal setting
  3. Squat Form Check 286X5
  4. Squat Form Check (325 x 5)
  5. Clean alternatives other than back extensions
  6. Squat and Deadlift Form Check 203lbs/92.5kg
  7. Form Check - Squat
  8. high bar squat check
  9. Sprinting Resources
  10. Squat Check Please
  11. How long do you take?
  12. Finally bought a new B&R bar from Rogue
  13. Strength Training for Swimmers
  14. Not very advanced but thinking about taking 2 rest days in between sessions.
  15. Suggestions for Training Approach Post Knee Surgery for 68 YO Geezer?
  16. Requesting squat depth check.
  17. Back Pain
  18. knee pain
  19. How many of you push the Prowler
  20. Question on the lying triceps extension.
  21. Concerning Lower Back Control
  22. Trying to figure out the right shoes
  23. Ivanko Barbell
  24. Programming dates and time
  25. How is it possible that Richard Hawthorne is so strong?
  26. Lower back rounded while deadlifting
  27. Coaches, can you take a look at my Sqwaat?
  28. Achieve Wolverine Physique
  29. 64 year old dating?!
  30. Squat, red light?
  31. Squat injury woes - seeking advice on program rethink
  32. Biceps tear with pronated grip
  33. Lower back - WTF?
  34. What to do about squat depth creep?
  35. Squat Check
  36. Goals for 2015!
  37. hamstring tweak
  38. Deadlift Check
  39. wierd shoulder pain
  40. Deflating The Lungs?
  41. Building squat flexibility for 68yo woman
  42. Squat Form Check Christmas Edition
  43. Uk bars
  44. OK all you geezers. Time for a CHRISTMAS CAROL from Earth Kitt.
  45. OK, you can stop struggling with mean old Mr. Gravity now
  46. Difference between trap bar deadlift (off box + low handles) and squat
  47. Dog sled bs butcher both by rogue?
  48. Belt Sizing Recommendation for Skinny Novice
  49. DL Form Check 330lb x 5
  50. Hip joints?
  51. Rest Between Sets - New Question
  52. Shoes
  53. Deadlift form check
  54. Gear - What to keep?
  55. Big thanks to Tom C
  56. Why sets of 5 for volume?
  57. Knee Aches
  58. Heard and felt a pop in my back when deadlifting
  59. B&R bar being discontinued?
  60. Sled question.
  61. Hook grip on cleans and snatches
  62. Power Rack Purchase
  63. Squat check - non-vertical bar path
  64. Incorporating Starting Strength with calisthenics‏
  65. Smyth Machine: Even worth the effort?
  66. Gyms in Lafayette, Breaux Bridge, Louisiana area
  67. Question on squat depth limiters
  68. Squat Check
  69. Faces of Rippetoe: The journey of a man. . .
  70. Feet sore no more
  71. Missing this weeks VD + recovery day
  72. 5/8-lb Washer Plates
  73. Hypothetically...
  74. Can't seem to find a 13 mm thick 4" wide single prong inzer belt
  75. lower leg pain
  76. Squat form check
  77. Form Check
  78. Press Form Check
  79. New to weightlifting shoes
  80. Coaching Unflexible People
  81. Thoughts on training
  82. Steady knee slide vs. knee dart at the bottom
  83. Postnatal Lifting
  84. Incline vs. flat bench: Is my reason for using the former stupid?
  85. Advanced Novice Already?
  86. Feeling down and out with lower back injury - getting back to squatting
  87. Amsterdam squat camp follow up (@Tom & Jordan, or who likes to comment)
  88. Time to switch to 5/3/1?
  89. A new year sometimes means revisiting old concepts
  90. Low back injury, now quad experiencing mild spasms and dull ache
  91. Training Question on Abdominal... Optimization?
  92. A little confused about how to control bodyfat
  93. NY Giants - Squat, Bench and Power Clean by Position
  94. Rage Fitness Olympic Pro Bumpers
  95. retractile testicles
  96. The Iron Age: Resistance Training and the Metabolic Syndrome
  97. Followup on DL form check. Still looks like an SLDL.
  98. Possible knee injury
  99. Are these squats to depth (parallel)?
  100. Check this video of some Chinese dudes
  101. Creatine and beta alanine
  102. Dr. Sullivan on growing strong as you grow old
  103. Inconclusive SLAP tear - OHP alternatives
  104. Drew's 531 Training Log
  105. K-T Tape
  106. Planks to assist deadlift?
  107. Weight lifting shoes for athletes
  108. Dumbbells and Motor Unit Recruitment
  109. does my squat suck or is my bench good?
  110. Jerk Cues
  111. werksan barbell on craigslist
  112. Looking for a bit of advice with my deadlift progression
  113. How is this possible?
  114. Squat Check 2 (270 x 5)
  115. Amber Crossmaxxe shoes
  116. Removing Mental Blocks while lifting
  117. CPH camp follow - up setting back - discussed with Mr. Campitelli
  118. metal j-hooks
  119. Deadlift Form Check
  120. IS my belt too tight?
  121. Squat alternatives
  122. weak lower body
  123. Sen Harry Reid badly hurt using exercise bands...
  124. what the fuck happened?
  125. Too much knee kick? - Press
  126. Starr Rehab
  127. Knee injury and wraps (possibly?)
  128. What to do with wedding ring
  129. Strength for Simpletons
  130. What's in a Chuck?
  131. Bicep tendon pain after benching
  132. Deadlift Form Check
  133. Mobility Issues
  134. Starting Again from Scratch; Opinions?
  135. Squat Form Check
  136. Find a gym
  137. squats and DL after L4/L5 disk issue
  138. Deadlift form check - 355
  139. Squat form check - 265
  140. HIIT is helping my lifts im sure of it
  141. Not a question, an observation
  142. adductors and bicep femoris vs. gluteus maximus question
  143. SS, Struggling on my lifts these days
  144. Squat 245 lbs - Reset After Surgery
  145. Deadlift form check
  146. Strength programme along side field sport training
  147. Is there any point of Olympic lifting outside of competition?
  148. Question for people who do C2 rowing
  149. Coaching in Phoenix
  150. Starting lifting in my 40s
  151. snatches are fucking with my head
  152. Front Squat & ABS sore?
  153. Anterior Knee Pain and Squats
  154. Trying to Help my 71 Year Old Dad with Back/Nerve Issues
  155. how to recognize over training
  156. Squat Form Check
  157. Squat recheck
  158. Strength training and pregnancy.
  159. maybe the Prowler wasn't such a good idea :(
  160. Squat Check
  161. Pregnancy and lifting.
  162. Femoral Anteversion/Antetorsion
  163. Esophageal reflux on heavy squats
  164. Can't find a place to use my Prowler
  165. Front squats and my hands
  166. How long does it take for posts to show up?
  167. ripped callous
  168. Squat Form Check
  169. Awesomeness
  170. An Unexpectedly Pleasant Outcome to My First Workout Since Knee Surgery
  171. Back Rehab: A Case Study
  172. Damn Brachioradialis
  173. Lower back pain - switching up the regular deadlift for the sumo?
  174. Question regarding belts and herniated discs
  175. Iron Veterans - Question
  176. Advice on stretches to improve deadlift form
  177. Question regarding muscle development
  178. Follow Up for Mac Ward
  179. Great Information
  180. Bench check
  181. For Mac Ward - another QL injury
  182. Recs for SS/PT folks in Philly?
  183. Squat Form Check Much Appreciated
  184. A couple questions
  185. Where do Dips Stand as a Tricep Assistance?
  186. Training Effect of Fatigue Drops
  187. Old pec tear
  188. Pull ups
  189. Stupid question about WL shoes
  190. Squat. 300lbs, 5'8" 190lbs BW
  191. How's my Dead?
  192. Value of intra-set breaks
  193. Squat check
  194. Squat 200 lbs - Form check
  195. Squat check
  196. Press check
  197. smith machine - please explain the actual problems
  198. Power Clean check (post Copenhagen)
  199. recovering from femoral neck stress fracture, ready to start linear progression?
  200. squat form check
  201. Trainer for Dad in Southeastern PA
  202. Help With My Wife
  203. The new American Weightlifting Federation!
  204. The Rippetoe Gold Mine
  205. For Nick
  206. Progression for a 15 year old
  207. Old pec tear....
  208. Squat Check - 270lbs
  209. Squat Depth Check- Hip Crease below Top of Knee?
  210. shoulder flexibility tests
  211. Workout feedback.
  212. Squat form check please
  213. Chin-up Cheats For Dodgy Elbows
  214. Training WITH inguinal hernia - no surgery planned
  215. 315x5 vs 315x2
  216. Squat technique feedback
  217. Tommy Suggs' article: Train the Mind for Increased Strength
  218. back hurts, knee hurts, shoulders hurt - is this what i expect?
  219. Deadlift - Rounded back with standard setup
  220. Squat Check after Reset
  221. Tricep pain (olecranon process)
  222. Piano and hook grip
  223. Tommy Kono knee sleeves
  224. Possible strength asymmetry between right/left legs
  225. Jumping in weightlifting shoes
  226. At the House of the Legend
  227. Timer Phone Apps
  228. Weightlifting Shoes
  229. Squats not ideal for sprinting and vertical
  230. Physical Function and Aging
  231. Thoughts on hip belt squats
  232. Vaccination Requirements for Trainees
  233. Forearms feel like they're going to explode
  234. Reasonable goals?
  235. Chins: Difference Between 3 Sets/Failure vs. 10 Minute Density Block
  236. Deadlift technique is better in oly shoes? Or do I just suck at pulling?
  237. How would you manage a client who can not squat/deadlift/press/clean?
  238. Squats: Deload or Retry on Monday
  239. Knee Pain from squats?
  240. Will my gym class which is called "Cross Training" effect my strength on SS?
  241. Pec strain, how does my bench form look?
  242. Good flat bench (UK)
  243. anecdotal evidence for assistance exercises
  244. Go Camping
  245. upper back injury - long term - help!
  246. Help with a training plan
  247. Squat Check 255x5, 3rd set
  248. Goals for 2015
  249. Bench form check request
  250. A good article on deadlifts