Gaining Bodyweight Without GOMADWhen you're not a young, underweight, male by Cody Miller | December 17, 2015 Drinking a gallon of milk a day (GOMAD) is undeniably the most effective nutritional strategy for adding slabs of mass to young, underweight males. Milk is relatively cheap, painless to “prepare”, the macronutrient profile is very balanced, and calories are always easier to drink... Continue reading
Programming Halting DeadliftsBreaking up heavy pulls by Nick Delgadillo, SSC | December 10, 2015 Novice lifters, having the ability to go through a stress-recovery-adaptation cycle in 48 to 72 hours, will deadlift every session initially. As novices get stronger, they’ll alternate the deadlift with the power clean and eventually only deadlift once a week. Even as... Continue reading