Articles | strength & health

Chris Ronan | July 01, 2024

 “Rip a toe? Who? OK, Dr. Bob, I'll go see him.”

I don't know how I ended up there, but I'm sure I got Mark's address, used a paper map, and drove to his gym, the Wichita Falls Athletic Club.  

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Jim Steel | June 26, 2024

“Let's talk about intensity and discipline,” Randy said. Randy and his 16-year-old nephew Bobby were fishing at a farm pond located on the outskirts of rural Bayville, Maryland. They had met earlier at the gym for a session of training on the heavy bag, and Randy said that he wanted to wet a line, and Bobby was all for it...

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Chris Ronan | June 18, 2024

[N]ow what are the fundamentals of our sport? Let’s ask ourselves how much power over a given time is required to establish a breakaway, win a field sprint, time trial to a solo victory, or beat our best buddies to the city limit sign. What is it you wish to do, or that you enjoy most from your time on the bicycle? Even club riders like to win city limit sign sprints or chase Strava KOMs.

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Chris Olson, SSC | June 12, 2024

My first “career gig,” well before becoming a Starting Strength Coach, was coaching competitive youth soccer. In the soccer world, I couldn’t help but marvel at how well parents could often identify the areas in which their children needed improvement (“Josh is really struggling to make accurate passes”), but at the same time so often completely miss the mark on identifying an appropriate solution to the problem...

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Jim Steel | May 28, 2024

We all know the type. The type of people that everything comes easy to. Yeah, those people. I am not one of those people. For instance, I was always awful at math when I was growing up. In fact, I had to take math in summer school my senior year just to graduate. I would hang in there for the first few weeks or so of each semester, and then I would get behind in the teaching and there was no catching up. 

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