Q&A Episode - In These Trying Times | Starting Strength Radio #52 Mark Rippetoe | April 17, 2020 https://youtu.be/jPJRzoeHncY transcript powered by Sonix—easily convert your video to text with Sonix.https://youtu.be/jPJRzoeHncY was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the latest audio-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors. Sonix is the best video automated transcription service in 2020. Our automated transcription algorithms works with many of the popular video file formats. Quickly and accurately automatically transcribe your video audio files with Sonix, the best speech-to-text transcription service. Sonix uses cutting-edge artificial intelligence to convert your jPJRzoeHncY files to text. Create and share better video content with Sonix. Are you a filmmaker? Automatically transcribe your latest video recordings with Sonix. Manual video transcription is very painful. It takes so much time and is very tedious. Researchers constantly record video footage of their interviews. Accurately transcribe your research interviews with Sonix. Students and teachers constantly need to better transcribe lectures and research notes. Lawyers need to transcribe their interviews, phone calls, and video recordings. Most choose Sonix as their speech-to-text technology. Sonix uses cutting-edge artificial intelligence to convert your jPJRzoeHncY files to text. Sonix is the best online video transcription software in 2020—it's fast, easy, and affordable. For your video files, use Sonix to easily convert jPJRzoeHncY files to srt for better subtitles. If you are looking for a great way to convert your video to text, try Sonix today. Mark Rippetoe answers Starting Strength Radio fan questions about managing training and sanity in these trying times. 00:00 Introduction 02:15 Comments from the Haters! 07:24 These Trying Times 14:47 On Being Essential 22:15 Farm animals / subhumans 28:12 Equipment shortages? 39:05 Training with limited equipment? Detraining? 45:23 Being "allowed" outside in the UK 47:32 Disc adaptation? 48:42 Problems training after the totalitarian coup 55:28 Rise of the petty tyrants Episode Resources Economics in One Lesson, Henry HazlittOur Enemy, the State, Alfred Jay Nock A sampling of make-do training threads on the Forums: Corona outbreak -> Gym closed down, need workout recommendationsCOVID training / COVID recommendations?Quarantine Program Question - DeadliftsPossible variations due to limited equipmentAdvanced lifter going into quarantineQuarantine, no bench, no rack.Emergency trainingNot Enough Weight Discuss in Forums