Rip talks with Dr. Mike Wittmer about the influence of government in telemedicine, the growing role of big pharmaceutical companies in weight loss treatments, and the rise of medications like Ozempic. Dr. Wittmer sheds light on the long-term impact of medication use and testosterone’s effects on fertility.
Pete and Megan Yeh discuss how timing and their personal experiences helped them to realize a unique opportunity to help others begin barbell training.
Rip answers questions live from Starting Strength Network subscribers and fans.
Rip and Karl Denninger reflect over the last four years of American history, discussing key issues covered on Karl’s blog, The Market Ticker. They talk about topics ranging from government incompetence and mounting debt to the climate crisis, the challenges of transitioning to an all-electric infrastructure, and the potential downfall of Western civilization. The conversation also touches on AI, inflation, and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.
Rip and Rusty discuss the controversy surrounding transgender athletes competing in the Olympics. They also talk about an inmate whose ordered “Blue Book” was confiscated due to claims of it being “too violent.” Lastly, Rip explains why the trap bar deadlift is more akin to a squat than a traditional deadlift.
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