Starting Strength Columbus
Starting Strength Columbus

The Starting Strength Channel | sscac

Videos & Podcasts

John Guerra and Starting Strength Stories | May 29, 2023

John Guerra, former North Carolina Central University guard, talks about his experience using Starting Strength to enter Division 1 athletics during  the 2019 Starting Strength Coaches Association Conference in Wichita Falls.

John Petrizzo, DPT, SSC | April 30, 2020

Dr. Petrizzo presents a lecture on programming models during the 2019 Starting Strength Coaches Association Conference held in Wichita Falls, TX.

Jonathon Sullivan MD, PhD, SSC | February 06, 2020

Dr. Sullivan presents a lecture on programming models during the 2019 Starting Strength Coaches Association Conference held in Wichita Falls, TX.

John Guerra | August 12, 2019

John Guerra, North Carolina Central University Guard, talks about his experience using Starting Strength to get into Division 1 athletics during the 2019 Starting Strength Coaches Association Conference held in Wichita Falls.

CJ Gotcher | December 19, 2018

CJ Gotcher discusses interventions for dealing with tendinopathy from good to absolute silly bullshit including supplements, cryotherapy, and stretching.

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