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Mark Rippetoe Q & A | Starting Strength Radio #3

Mark Rippetoe | May 10, 2019 | Convert video-to-text with Sonix

Mark Rippetoe:
If I do fail a squirt...of course, they mean "squat." There must be a misspelling. You all didn't do that on purpose did you?

Mark Wulfe:
From the global headquarters of The Aasgaard beautiful downtown Wichita Falls, Texas...from the finest mind in the modern fitness industry...the one true voice of the Strength and Conditioning profession...the most important podcast on the Internet...Ladies and gentlemen! Starting Strength Radio.

Mark Rippetoe:
Thank you Mark Wulfe. Welcome back to Starting Strength Radio. This is our podcast. And really this week, this is kind of going to be like Ask Rip and instead of going like 10 or 15 minutes on Ask Rip we're we're just going to just go on and on and on. And it's going to be so horrible that you won't be able to stop. You won't be able to stop watching. Okay.

So right up front, Ask Rip is your questions. Okay. And what we do is we take those questions on Instagram, on Facebook, on...Do we take them on Twitter or not Twitter? These questions here from SpeakUp! Are we going to continue to take them on SpeakUp!? All right so what's what's the SpeakUp! channel gonna be? It's on my Q and A. All right look on my Q and A. And the address for SpeakUp! will be present. You turn in your your questions there.

Now does that mean we're not going to pay any attention to Facebook? No. No more paying...Instagram? Fuck those people, not gonna do it. They got to come to the website, look up the SpeakUp! link and speak easily. The SpeakUp! link and go to go to there to submit questions. All right. And the reason we're doing this is because..uh...what's that boy's name? Zuckerberg? I'm tired of him. I really, you know since, since when does a 22-year-old kid get to be a trillionaire? I don't. That's not right. Just because he's clever. Once. When DARPA helps him out, he gets to be a trillionaire.

Yeah. Isn't that interesting that DARPA has admitted that a 22-year- old kid is smarter at this kind of data mining than they are. DARPA's some bright guys too, you know. I mean these guys, DARPA designed the A-12 back in the 60s.

I mean now that was a hell of an airplane you know the immediate predecessor to the SR-71. They designed that with 1960s technology. I guess they had some computers that were the size of semi-tractor trailer trucks and read cards and stuff. Right.

And do what now? UFOs? UFOs didn't participate in the design of the SR-71. As far as we know.

DARPA on the other hand those would have liked to work for DARPA back then. Man...who did they get to work for them? Five project managers. All of them PhDs from M.I.T. (and military contractors professors and researchers.)

Just contract stuff out. They dream up the idea, they hire military advisors and guys with experience and in engineering a design in a particular area. Like if they want to, if they want to design a anti-gravity aircraft and shit, they'll look up people that have experience with anti-gravity and hand them this project.

Yeah, like hundreds of billions of dollars and then they get an anti- gravity aircraft and they keep it in PS-22, Area 51, for those of you not in the know. And and they just..hovers around out there in the desert and and the don't ever to a goddamn thing with it. They just designed it. And now here it is out there hovering around in the desert. With no job, right. At a cost of three hundred billion dollars.

So...anyway what were we talking about before we started talking about the SR-71. Facebook, right. Facebook led us to DARPA which led us to...well, anyway.

Ok. So here we have some questions...see all these. Now, this is not going to be over with anytime soon. Those of you that aren't interested in questions..uh, might ought to go listen to Joe Rogan. All right. Joe doesn't take questions from the audience but we do. We got that on him. All right.

I've got some of these picked out here and I might just throw some in if I feel interested in it.

"This is in regard to the start to the Starting Strength Radio post. You say that you will not discuss sports. Isn't talking about the future of Women's sports talking about sports? And I appreciate your efforts and the education I get from all of the SS information. Thank you, Rip." That of course was thrown in there just to to mitigate the hatred, you know, from his supposed discovery of this horrible contradiction.

All right. Let me tell you what discussing sports is about. Have you ever listened to sports radio? Right? The game was Sunday afternoon and these idiots -- Thursday! -- are still talking about what happened in the game on Sunday. Now that's talking about sports and I'm sorry, I lack the attention span. I don't want to see the game on Sunday.

Now let me let me let me clarify my position on this. I don't actively dislike sports. I just actively dislike watching sports. and talking about sports.

I understand enough about sports to be able to get people ready to play the damn things, but I don't care what happened Sunday afternoon. I don't care about...I have never watched an entire NFL game in my life. Sat down at the kickoff and watched the damn thing all the way through to the end of the game. Never once done that. Haven't watched an entire baseball game once in my life. I don't care, about baseball. Baseball is boring.

And those of you that are intellectual baseball fans are going to disagree with me on it. It's fine. I mean, baseball players got to eat. They don't need to eat as well as they do, but they they need to eat. So if you want to watch basketball, I don't care. Watch any of that shit. I just I'm I don't care about. It's one of the things I don't care about. I care about strength and conditioning.

I don't really ever want to see another powerlifting meet the rest of my life either. Is there anything on earth more boring than watching four hours of bench presses? Anything? It's like watching paint dry. You know, the only difference is every once in a while somebody gets killed on a bench press. And that happens often enough to make it interesting.

So I don't want to watch another powerlifting meet. I just don't care enough about it. I've announced hundreds of the damn things and they're old. I'm tired of it. So I'm not interested in even that sport.

I like to watch Olympic weightlifting, that's interesting. But..oh and for those of you that keep asking Olympic weightlifting questions. I got about four of them in here. About what we think about Olympic weightlifting about what I would do to train somebody with Starting Strength, in Olympic weightlifting. And first one thing or another. Look not I am not going to talk about that because there are only about 3000 people in the United States, in the entirety of the United States that that compete as Olympic weightlifters.

There are...of those 3000 people, there are none of them who are even remotely interested in my opinion about Olympic weightlifting so we're just not gonna talk about it. You know,'s just pointless. So quit asking those. All right, when you go to speakeasy to post your... Yeah, I know I was being funny. So it's just it's just the way I am. You know, I'm funny even when I'm not funny.

All right. So back to the discussion of sports. We're not going to discuss sports in the way that sports radio discusses sports. We will discuss sports from the standpoint of our involvement with sports which would be that of the preparation of athletes for sports in terms of strength and conditioning. And other than that, no we're not going to talk about sports. We're not going to talk about sports because we don't care who the Boston Celtics played last weekend or the Los Angeles Rams or the Oakland Raiders. We don't care about that.

We don't care about. We don't even know who the Phoenix Suns are. Does Phoenix have a baseball...softball. I mean a team. They have a football team now? They don't? I don't know either.

The Phoenix Diamondbacks? The goddamn Topeka Braves. The Peoria Pirates. The Oklahoma City Jazzerciser or whatever.

You people in Oklahoma, if Texas secedes...and we will eventually... we'll take you with us. If you're nice. We might even take Louisiana with us too. They're all basically friends, you know. Who, Louisiana? Fix their roads? Oklahoma? They're not gonna fix the roads up there.

I don't know what...they don't know there's anything wrong with them. That's actually true. They have no idea there's a problem.

OK, so that's it for a discussion of sports.

Ah here's a cute one. "How did your best fishing adventure look like?"

Where did you get the idea then I went fishing? I hadn't been fishing in 40 know the last time I went fishing was... Oh God Almighty it was probably 40 years ago and it's been proven over time that I catch exactly the same number of fish if I go fishing as if I don't go fishing. So I don't go fishing. Just sitting there waiting on a fish to make a decision? That's just, that's not anything I'm interested in doing so.

All right now. Let's see... Here's a good one. "The over 60 market is largely untapped. Have you considered what metrics are necessary for Starting Strength Gym targeted to 60 plus?"

Well, the first thing you'd have to have is enough 60 plus people who were concerned enough about their effects on their own health -- as opposed to their doctors' effects on their own health -- to make the 60 plus market viable for a Starting Strength Gym. Now, that having been said, Starting Strength Gyms are placed in markets with large numbers of people. We will not have a Starting Strength Gym in Wichita Falls, Texas because there's only a hundred thousand people here. And in fact there's always only been one hundred thousand people here, it hasn't grown at all. This is not the kind of market that would be even remotely considered for a Starting Strength Gym.

The demographics of the gym in Dallas would would certainly include enough people that are over 60, that are that have the requisite interest in their own outcome to do this. To to make...the Starting Strength Dallas location is probably going to be dominated by an older demographic. As will most Starting Strength Gyms.

60 plus specifically is not really, probably where the vast majority of the membership is going to be. Most of the most of the membership at a Starting Strength Gym is probably going to be somewhere between 45 and 60, males. There'll be some women, but this is the resistance training business in, outside of collegiate athletics, is largely a male-dominated demographic.

Not our fault. We'd like for you gals to join with us and get strong. The fact of the matter is that hadn't been proven to be the case. All of our Gyms will have a few women in it, but this is largely a male- dominated demographic.

What can I do to change that? I don't know. We don't actively prevent people from coming to our seminars that are women. I mean, we also don't actively prohibit people from coming to our seminars that are over the age of 60.

What we find is, is that most people everywhere, not just old men, not just women not just the other people that that are outside this demographic -- most people are not really interested in doing hard stuff that will have an effect on their health. Most people would rather have a pill. Most people would rather take glucophage than do squats and deadlifts. And as tragic as that is to you and I, that is the case. That is the case. Most people would rather just take the pill. Most people would rather shoot insulin because it's just so easy to do. You only have stick yourself two or three times a day. But squats and deadlifts...hard heavy weights? I don't want to do that.

Once again we're narrowcasting. I've said this a hundred thousand times. We are broadcasting with this podcast, with Starting Strength Radio broadcasts, but those of you that will receive the message, those of you that actually are listening to what we're saying and doing it, are a narrow subset of the general population. And I'm afraid it's always going to be that way, human nature being what it is. I'm afraid that's the way it's always going to be.

So there's really not anything we can do about the metrics necessary for a Starting Strength Gym targeted to 60 plus. I don't really know what you mean by metrics. Except to say that every Starting Strength Gym will be placed in a market with a significant 60 plus population. Just in terms of the concentration of 60 plus in any market that's big enough to hold a Starting Strength Gym.

We're gonna be there. It's up to you to get them in. We can't make them come in. Now we've got a book, The Barbell Prescription is specifically designed to tell people why that particular demographic needs to lift weights. Dr Sullivan, Andy Baker did a masterful job of writing this very, very important book. But if you can't get them to buy that book, you're certainly not going to get him to come in the gym. Okay.

I wouldn't worry about that too much. I think that eventually as we operate these gyms in the markets we're going into, and as 60 -2, -3, -4 year old people start training, stop hurting, start being more mobile, stop getting sick, stop getting diabetes, stop doing all the things that their sedentary buddies are continuing to do so successfully, that the light will come on for a few of them. But not most of them.

Unfortunately this is a human tendency, the lack of personal responsibility. I mean, that's why socialism is so popular. You know, lack of personal responsibilities is a hallmark of most of the human race. I'm sorry. That's just the way it is. We can't do anything about that. So we're just making an opportunity for people that don't feel that way. And this is gonna be a great opportunity and I think possibly over time the attitude may begin to change once they see that...what happens when you get stronger carries over into every aspect of your life -- your health, your brain, everything about it psychologically, physically is a net positive.

But to some people, to most people, the need to get it under something that's heavy and unpleasant for 30 seconds outweighs their desire for another ten years of healthy existence on the planet. I don't know why that is but that's nonetheless that's the truth.

OK let's see. Okay, failing a lift. Here's somebody that wants to know about failing a lift. "I'm currently working through an Novice Linear Progression and reading Starting Strength. I usually lift solo as I've not found a consistent workout partner. If I do fail a squirt...of course, they mean "squat." There must be a misspelling. You all didn't do that on purpose, did you? Because it is kind of gross..and copy and paste. "What's the safest way to bail out without a spotter.".

Well, you set the squat down on the pins inside the rack you're squatting in. That's what the rack is for. Now, there is no safe way to bail out of a squat in the absence of bumper plates and a large amount of space. If you're doing this in your garage, you start bailing out of squats. You know, jumping out from underneath them, you're gonna just fuck everything up in a garage. And look as far as I'm concerned, if you fuck everything else up in your garage, that's fine with me. You shouldn't have bailed out of the squat. What you should do is be properly equipped to train. You need a rack. You need pins set inside the rack at the proper height. If you get stuck, you just set it back down on the pins, you good morning it back down onto the pins. Nobody gets destroyed. The bar didn't get bent. Holes aren't placed in the sheet rock. The windshield doesn't get knocked out of your car. None of these things take place if you're properly equipped to train. And properly equipped to train the squat by yourself is probably going to mean a power rack that you...that is deep enough for you to squat inside it.

Unfortunately, you have asked this question in a way that leads me to believe that you have watched people on the internet jump out from under a squat with bumper plates on it. CrossFit, among other things, has taught us that it's perfectly fine to jump out from under a squat. It's not perfectly fine to jump out from under a squat because first and foremost, if you jump out from under a squat and you are not in the correct situation things are going to get broken. All right.

Unfortunately probably not you, but the the surrounding material objects are going to suffer from being...having a squat bar dropped on them. Okay.

Second, and this is really the most important part of this thing. If you give yourself permission to stop pushing on something that is hard to the extent that the minute it slows down even a little bit you just automatically jump out from underneath it, you're not ever going to get strong. Because you have decided that when it gets hard you're out of there. One of the things you have to learn, one of the valuable lessons that the barbell teaches you, is that even if it's hard you don't know that you can't do it until you try. If the urgency is there, if you are not sure of the fifth rep of this set and rack the fourth rep. Then you don't know what you could have done on the fifth rep. You don't know. You may assume that you couldn't have done it, but you don't know that for sure until you try it. And there's not a one of us that have trained for any length of time that haven't had the experience of getting to the fifth rep. It's time to ride the fifth rep down and come back up and you say to yourself, "You know that fourth rep really felt like shit. I don't know if I do this, but the workout says five reps of the third set of five. It says 5 reps. This is the fifth rep and I'm going to do it. I'm at least going to try it." And have taken this rep down not knowing whether or not you can come back up with it. And taking it down and hit the bottom and driven back up and it was slow and it was hard it was unpleasant. You didn't like it, but you did it anyway. You were successful. Having not known that you would be successful, doubting that you could do it, and proving to yourself by having the balls to do the rep, that you could in fact do things that you didn't know for sure you couldn't do.

This is one of the most powerful lessons of barbell training. That your limits are not where you think they are. And until you make up your mind that you're not gonna bail out of the squat, then you're not going to learn this and this is one of the main reasons you ought to be here. Okay.

So, that stupid question actually turned out to actually be a pretty good one. OK, I think I'm through with it page.

All right. Now, this is a good question. My recipe of the week.

All right, now I want to tell you guys how to make a Vesper martini. We just make a video of this. That'd be a good video, wouldn't it? A Vesper martini. Now the best Vesper martini comes from Ian Fleming's novel, Casino Royale. It was featured prominently in the very, very good movie Casino Royale of the Daniel Craig series of James Bond movies. I've watched that movie seven or eight times. I just love it. Watch it over and over and over. Quality film. Excellent. Never get tired of the damn thing. Just so cool.

And a Vesper martini he just invents at the poker table. And...and that is actually what happened in the book too. James Bond just jerks this recipe out of his ass and it's just absolutely fabulous.

So in the book, the recipe is. Wait let's do part vodka, two parts Gordon's, half part Kina Lillet, with a twist of lemon. And waiter looks at him, just approvingly takes it back to the bar. Right. And his later remark is as he tastes it the first time he says, "You know that's not half bad."

So my Vesper martini follows the same kind of thing right.

You have something to say. All right. Let me break. Let me re-enter. Oh Nick has a comment from Casino Royale.

(Three measures of Gordon's) Three measures of Gordon's, one of vodka half part...So I was short on the gin. Right? Shaken with ice, ice cold. Shaken very well as ice cold poured it in...a large thin slice of lemon, put it in the glass. Just this, the top part of the zest. Not all the way down to the white, if you can do it. You have to learn how to use your knife. You just want the zest. So don't put a lot of white on the lemon peel.

Now, the way I do it is a little bit different. And it ends up not being quite as cold this way, but it's going to warm up anyway. And, you know, I probably out to start using a chilled glass for this just to get the the the cold effect. What I do is I will take the zest first. I'll zest the lemon. I'll take my very sharp pocket knife and I will peel off three or four, probably an inch and a half two inch strips of lemon peel, and I'll keep it up out of the white as best I'm able. And I'll put that in the glass. And the uh the fact is is that I've used all the citrus fruits that are available to me. I've used lemon, lime, grapefruit, orange, tangerine, tangello. That's about all we have here. But I have found that the tangello makes the best Vesper. It's just astonishing.

And then what I will do after I put the zest in the martini glass, I will put the one measure of vodka in on top of the zest and I'll let it sit there a while and just let it sit there and macerate.

And then I will take shaker, my drink shaker, and I'll put five ice cubes in that. And into that I will put my half measure and usually a little less of that of Kina Lillet. Now Kina Lillet...the formula changed for Kina Lillet quite some time ago. And when it was this was written in 1957, Kina Lillet had a little bit different, the actual label Kina Lillet, had a little bit different flavor than it does now. And according to the experts a product called Cochi Americano is the modern equivalent of the Kina Lillet that Ian Fleming used in that first recipe.

Cochi Americano as it is a white Vermouth. It is available in most civilized locations. So you're going to buy Cochi Americano for the Kina Lillet. And I usually will use probably half maybe a third of an ounce of that because I don't like the drink that sweet. But the the the Cochi Americano has got a bitter finish to it as all vermouths do. So that's just the way I make it. I just want a little splash of of Cochi Americano in it and then I'll put my three ounces of of a London dry gin.

I've experimented with lots and lots of different types of gins. Beefeater is fine. Beefeater makes...Beefeater has recently started making a botanical gin that comes in a red glass bottle and that's very good. Botanical gins are excellent in in a Vesper, as well, but if you want to stick with the original recipe Gordon's or Beefeater or some other London dry gin works just fine. I don't have, I have never tried Tanqueray, I'm not interested in Tanqueray for some reason. But but if you want to use Beefeater, plain white glass Beefeater, that works just fine.

The best gin I have ever found for this is Leopold Brothers' Summer Gin. I don't know if it's made right now. I think it was last year's product but it was a it was a beautiful thing. Had some blood orange in it. My God if you find it, buy it. And if you don't like it I'll buy it from you. Leopold Brothers is a distillery up in Denver. They do excellent stuff. You'd just...that's a great place that...if you see Leopold Brothers, if you see their regular dry gin buy that. It's excellent. Excellent stuff. But the Summer Gin is by far my favorite for one of these martinis. And I'll put that in on top of the ice along with the Kina Lillet.

Now here's a little thing I've been doing. I add six drops of absinthe. And don't put any more in it than that. Six drops you will not taste the anise. It just gives it a little brightness and sweetness that I really like. It's a subtle touch. You don't have to do it if you don't have any. If you don't have any absinthe. But six drops, five drops, but not 10 drops. You don't want the anise flavor, you just want the the the brightness that the the the absinthe brings to the drink.

And then what I will do is I will swirl in my in my drink shaker. I don't stir it. I don't see how this alters the chemistry very much. I don't shake because I don't have a glass top for my drink shaker. I just swirl it around and I'll swirl it for quite awhile. Because remember I'm letting the zest macerate in the vodka. And then after probably -- I might leave it in there five minutes -- because I want the ice to melt and thin the gin a little bit. So after that period of time I'll pour the ice the iced gin/Kina Lillet/absinthe mixture into the glass and drizzle it around so there's some mixing takes place. And then I will sit down and enjoy my Vesper martini.

Now the problem with Vesper martinis is that they are extremely easy to drink. And two of these Vesper martinis made the way I've just talked about are, you know, seven ounces of alcohol and even for me that's probably excessive. So I limit myself to one of these a night.

And I'll tell you you will really enjoy this fabulous drink. It's a it's a classic know good bars will make these for you. If you're in a good bar, you can get a Vesper martini. They all know the recipe. They've got their version of it. It'll be different than this though. And once again tangelo zest...oooh. It's just lovely flavor. So give that a try. OK. That's the recipe of the week.

Now. Okay, people keep asking if I was to write a fourth edition of Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training what would I add, change, or remove from the program. And the answer is: all of the changes that we have come up with are typically included as we do new printings. Okay. So look on the copyright page, which is the page behind the full title page. All right. Just so you'll know as you open the book there's probably a blank sheet of paper. Is that right? Then there is a half- title page and that is the part that just says the title of the book. Flip over one more. And this is the full title page. This typically contains all the author's information. The subtitle all this other stuff. All right.

And then on the back of that is the copyright page and it'll have the printing history and a little code on there that we can use to see which printing we're in. You know like eight seven six five four three two that sort of thing. You've seen those things. That's that's code for the print run of that particular book. If you are looking at the one that says "third revision" you are looking at the book that's got all of our current information in it. Some of the pictures have been changed. That was a major revision and we called that third revision. All of our current stuff is in that.

Now you ask why isn't that a fourth edition. The reason is because in the book industry if you call something a new edition it gets a new ISBN number if you issue a book with a new ISBN number then the Amazon reviews no longer apply to that new edition. And we would have to reset our fifteen hundred five star reviews back to zero. And really a new edition, I think the industry standard for a new edition is one- third of the material should be brand new. And that's that's not happened. If you if you look at all of the revisions we have made to the third edition, they don't come up to a third new material in the book not by any stretch of the imagination. This is a legitimate legitimately our third edition and this is probably the last one we'll do.

I don't think we are in the process of generating sufficient amounts of new material to come up with a fourth edition. This will be the last thing we do with this. And the the additions that we make have gotten probably less drastic over the years as we refine this method. And I think that the book in front of you, if you've got the one that says third revision, is pretty much about as good as it's going to get. If you have a copy of the hardback edition, that was the first version of this, of this material, and I would say that if not obsolete, it is less than optimum. That's why we sell the hardback edition so cheap on the webite. Those are primarily if you're interested in just having an autograph or something like that, something for your shelf and a hardback.

We probably will not be making another hardback edition anytime soon although now that I think about it that may not be a bad idea as we have gotten down to the point where we finalized all these things. Hardbacks are obviously more expensive for us to print, but it might, it may be that we need to think about a hardback. You know since we're down to pretty much the final distillation of this material we'll talk about that in a meeting. Let's have a meeting sometime about that. Meetings are so cool. And then you can rest assured that if you have got the copy that says third revision on the copyright page you're looking at the brand new stuff. It's worth it. It's worth it to get our new ideas on this an update. Just give the second revision to one of your buddies at the gym or sell it to him get 10 bucks for it would be better. All right. And then you get the third revision and we will just march on from there.

All right. Now let's see. Why is there only one starting strength coach in Canada?

Well the obvious answer is because only one person in Canada cared enough about the Starting Strength credential to obtain it. We can't control that. We don't control Canada. There is an argument to be made for the invasion of Canada and the annexation of Canada. We've discussed that here in the office several times. Logistical situation a problem. I mean, what do you do with the Northwest Territories? You know I don't know. I don't know if it'd be worth it. You know. But you know 90 percent of you people in Canada live within what? 100 miles of the U.S. border anyway? We just annex that part. You know I don't think the U.S. military would have any problems with you guys and...only they've all been here, but nobody nobody from Canada has decided to obtain the expertise necessary to pass this...pass this evaluation except for our friend Craig Bearss up in Vancouver.

He's the only one that cares enough. Go to him. Do business with Craig. He's a good coach and he's our man in Canada. Until we decide to annex Canada and then we can require that hundreds of you take the course. We require that hundreds of you study for it and we still probably only get five or six of you to pass because you people are not highly motivated. I mean that's been my experience. So anyway there's there's that.

Now what else. "What character traits should be prioritized and cultivated to be successful in life and business?"

You know that's that's actually not that hard a question. What you should be if you're going to be successful in life and business is an asshole. You should be an asshole. Now who's an asshole? And let's think about this. I'm an asshole, my my buddy David Kirkham, he's an asshole. Prominent business people are assholes. And an asshole is someone that YOU think is an asshole. Right?

I don't think I'm an asshole. I just think I'm, you know, good at a few things and I've, you know, made up my mind and have some opinions about some things that nobody can change my mind on. I have the ability though to have my mind changed when it's when it's necessary. When confronted with, with facts to the contrary that, that I currently have analyzed into an explanation. Sometimes my explanations are wrong. Sometimes additional facts bear up the fact that I need to change my mind, so to the extent that an asshole won't change his mind, I'm not really an asshole.

I am however, assertive. I'm loud. I'm aggressive. I am fairly intelligent. I'm not the brightest guy in the world. I'm fairly intelligent. I'm pretty well informed about things. I can make a case for my positions on things. And as a result, other people think I'm an asshole.

Now, if you're going to be successful in business and in life what must you be? Well you don't have to be particularly intelligent, but it helps. Okay, you do need to read a lot. You do need to analyze the things that that have a bearing on your life and on your business. You need to see what works and what doesn't work. And as a result of that you need to become well informed about.

People look at you being well-informed and themselves being less well informed will probably disagree with what you know to be true. That's OK -- they're wrong. You're right, you're an asshole. You can deal with being an asshole. You can deal with being called an asshole.

I don't care if people think I'm an asshole. I don't care. I don't care what people think about me. People's opinion about me is not relevant to my success in life or in business. You know to the extent that I'm not sweet and kind and loving. That may turn some people off about coming to our seminar, but I'm not concerned about people that are that sensitive. They won't be effective coaches anyway.

When we have people come to a seminar, we want them there because they want what we can teach them, because they're going to use that information either for their own training or in their in their coaching business. And if I'm a little bit of an asshole, if I'm a gigantic asshole, it doesn't make any difference as long as I'm right. As long as I'm able to help these people that come to the seminar improve their ability to train and to coach. So if I'm an asshole that's fine.

So that can be applied to any endeavor. anyone's life. and anyone's endeavor. Be certain. Learn be right. Constantly review whether you're right or not. If necessary change, but don't half-ass your way through life.

The fact is that if you are not half-assing your way through life, people will regard you as an asshole and I'm of the opinion that if you're not regarded as an asshole, you're probably fucking up.

Let's see. I got one more here. "Any hope of being a starting rate coach iff my power cleans sucks?".

Well let me explain something. All right, a Starting Strength Coach knows how to coach lifts, all right. To the extent that you can perform the lift yourself, you are going to be a better coach of the lift than if you never try it because personal experience with the lifts that you're trying to coach is absolutely essential. It's absolutely essential for you helping figure out the problems that the person you're trying to coach is experiencing during the process of learning these movements. And this is very, very well explained by stef in her video that's called The Coaching Eye.

Now anytime stef puts a video up on the website, okay, you need to watch it when she does things like this. She has better ideas 40 times a day than I've ever had. And when we get her to do a video on a topic that she's interested in you need to watch it. You really do. There is nothing like The Coaching Eye anywhere in the literature. There is nobody that addresses this aspect of pedagogy that she does with the clarity that this video provides. You need to watch this. And when you get through watching it you'll understand why you need to do the clean but why your clean can still suck in terms of how much weight you're doing. And still be useful to you as a coach.

Now if you can't correct your own arm pull on the clean then you're probably not going to be successful correcting an arm pull for the person you're trying to coach. Those of you that have been to the seminar realize that I know how to fix an arm pull. And I come over and I get an arm pull fixed just almost every time not you, know some people just are not good at these things, but I can usually fix and arm pull. And the fact that I know how to clean, and I trained clean for many, many years is responsible for most of the reason why I know how to fix these kind of problems with a clean.

If your clean sucks, it's olay. If you can only clean 90 kilos that's just fine, but you have to clean. Okay. You're going to coach the clean, you have to do the clean. Now let's say you're coming in to Starting Strength coaching at the age of 60 and you are in a position where you've had injuries and you can't do explosive movements like the clean before.

I would say that if you study the clean long enough and you're around people that are cleaning and you understand the clean theoretically enough to be able to explain it to somebody. And over time do enough coaching of the clean, you probably can get away with being an effective coach of the clean without actually having done it, but not usually, not usually.

A Starting Strength Coach needs to learn how to coach the clean and the snatch. Starting Strength Coaches should do the clean and the snatch to the point where there are enough proficient and sufficiently proficient with those movements that they are able to help their trainees identify problems in the movement pattern, know how to go in and adjust things to fix it. Your own experience with that movement informs the corrections that you're going to make. And that's why you need to watch stef's video called The Coaching Eye.

So yeah you could be a Starting Strength Coach without if your power cleans sucks. Absolutely you can. We don't look for championship lifting proficiency in any of these exercises, but it's been our experience that if you don't do the exercise yourself you can't coach it effectively. And there's no reason to be afraid of the clean. If you're over 60, try it. It may be that your anthropometry is not sufficient to where you can effectively clean. Most people can snatch if they can't clean because a forearm length or this sort of thing, but you don't know you can't clean till you try to clean.

I think you ought to clean. And then if it hurts you, if it jams up elbows and shoulders and hamstrings and knees and things like this, then don't do it heavy, but you need to do some cleans. You need to be able to experience the problems that you're trying to solve for the people you're coaching.

This is just good advice all throughout a coaching career. If you want to be a coach you've got to do all this stuff. You don't have to do it well, you don't have to be very strong, but you have to do it and learn from your mistakes and learn how those mistakes apply to the people you're trying to coach. And I think that's that's obvious. But by all means go to go to the website and look up stef bradfor's video The Coaching Eye. And then and those of you that are in ex-phys class, point that out to your professor and show him that he's not that bright and that stef is, okay?

Well, I think that's probably enough of this shit for this week. Thank you for joining us on Starting Strength Radio. We will see you next time. If you've got any questions you'd like answered on the next installment of when we do questions -- kind of the quasi Ask Rip --send him in. That location is available on our website. SpeakUp! and And put them in there. See you next time.

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In the first Q and A episode for Starting Strength Radio, Mark Rippetoe answers questions from Starting Strength fans. Question topics range from fishing, failing a squat, Vesper martinis, and becoming a better business person.

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